Chapter 2

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The next day at noon, everyone plus the three workers are gathered in the dinning area for lunch that Mrs. Holly and Miss Molly have fixed. Mr. Mitchell has arrived, but he is speaking with Mr. Hammond at the moment in the primary office, and they have been there for the last fifteen minutes. 

"Hey Cammi," I greet as I sit River and I down at the table where she and Morgan are with their food. 

"Hi Lake. Thanks for sitting with us," she shyly greets. 

"Never a problem, you know that," I grin as I hand River his sippy cup filled with milk. 

The man that enters behind Mr. Hammond is extremely handsome. He is around 6'4", muscular build, tattoos covering every visible inch of his skin from just below his chin down, an earring in his right ear, short brown hair, and brown eyes. I'm assuming that this is Mr. Mitchell. 

"Everyone, this is Mr. Mitchell, the owner of the shelter," Mr. Hammond proudly introduces. "He has come to visit us, and he is also going to speak with everyone." 

"Hello, I hope you all are doing well," Mr. Mitchell warmly greets with a huge smile, which only makes him even sexier. "I hope everyone is comfortable speaking with me today."

He takes the tray Mrs. Holly hands him with a kind smile toward her before walking toward the table I'm sitting at. His eyes are kind as is his smile, and he sits down while placing his tray and silverware on the table. 

"Hi, how are all of you?" he asks in his deep baritoned voice that instantly melts my insides into a puddle of goo. 

"Hi. We are good, thank you for asking, sir," I softly reply as my ears twitch as his smile softens. "How are you, sir?" 

"I'm good, thanks," he says making me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. "You don't need to call me 'sir,' Hunter is fine."

"Hi," Cammie softly replies as she and Morgan wave at him.

"What is everyone's names?" Hunter softly asks looking at the four of us curiously.

"I'm Cammie, and this is my son, Morgan," Cammi quietly replies with a shy smile, that Morgan copies. 

"I Morgan, I this many!" Morgan chirps from his seat in between Cammi and I as he shows Mr. Mitchell two fingers from his left hand. 

"Nice to meet both of you," he warmly replies to them before he focuses his attention on River and I. 

"I'm Lake, and this is my son, River," I soflty say with a shy smile at his intense gaze. 

His smile stays intact and sinsear as we eat and talk about how we think everything is going here, and if we think the shelter needs anything. Once he has finished his food, I shyly tell him to leave his dirty dishes on the table, and I will take care of them before he walks to the other table to talk with the others. The entire time he does this, he is watching me and River with gentle eyes. 

"Pa-pa, par?" River sweetly asks while I load the dishwasher once everyone has finished eating while he stands next to me. 

"Sure, we can go to the park, River," I softly agree with a smile and a nod. 

The park he is refurring too is down the road about a half of a mile, and everyone that usually goes there seem to be accepting of hybrids. 

"Yeah!" he cheers bouncing around me with a toothy grin as I turn the dishwasher on to clean. 

Grinning down at him as he takes my outstreched right hand as he bounces while we exit the kitchen. Giggling at his happiness and silly behavior, I am brought out of my joy suddently when I walk right into another body.

"Oomph," I meow lowly as I slam down onto my ass and tail, while I still hold River's hand in mine. 

"Pa-pa?" River lightly whines in worry as he looks at me intently with wide blue eyes. 

"I'm okay, baby," I gently reply with a smile as I at him with a reassuring smile as I move to stand up. 

"Let me help you, Lake," Mr. Mitchell offers while holding out his right hand toward me. "I'm sorry for bumping into you. Are you hurt?" 

"Thank you," I murmur as I blush while placing my left hand into his. 

He gently pulls me upright as I continue; "It isn't your fault, sir, I should have been watching where I was walking, and no I am not hurt."

Avoiding his gaze as I fidget under his intense stare, my tail betrays me by twitching in delight at his attention. 

"There is no need to be nervous with me, sweet Lake," he murmurs, and I have to fight the shiver that threatens to rack my body in delight. 

Bringing my eyes up to meet his, I find him smiling gently down at me with sparkling brown eyes; "Where are you and little River off too, if you do not mind my asking?" 

"We are going to the nearby park, so River can play, sir," I reply as I pick River up since he is tugging on my hand in irriation at not leaving.

"Par!" River squeals excitidly as he bounces in my hold, and his tail swishes against my arm with a toothy grin at Mr. Mitchell. 

"May I join you and River?" he requests hopefully with bright, shimmering eyes.

"Um, yes you may, if you are not uncomfortable with being seen in public with Neko's?" I softly reply as I chew on my lower lip in wonder. 

He smirks at me causing butterflies to appear in my tummy as he nods; "Beeing seen with Neko's, or any hybrids does not bother me. I own and run a hybrid shelfter after all."

Giggling softly at his silliness, I murmur; "I know, but I think that there is a difference between being seen with hybrids, and running a shelter, sir."

"It isn't to me, but I understand and appreciate your concern for my well being," he grins as he gestures for us to walk ahead of him toward the front door of the building. 

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