Chapter 7

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The rest of the weekend was absolutely fantastic as River and I had an amazing time with Hunter. I was a little sad when he brought us back to the shelter this morning on his way to work. I have my answer already on his question, as we spoke more on the topic. He was very patient with me and all of my questions, which he answered. He asked me questions, too, and I answered as well. 

Now, I have to wait until tomorrow morning to give him my answer. I have already spoken with Cammie, Mr. Hammond, and Mrs. Molly about this. Cammi is moving into a co-workers apartment as her roommate moved in with her girlfriend, and she and Morgan are moving in tomorrow. Mr. Hammond and Mrs. Molly told me to do what I want and makes me happy, and that is what I am going to do. 

The next morning finally arrives, and now I have to wait until Hunter arrives. I am more excited about my answer than nervous. 

"Lake, Mr. Mitchell is here to see you," Miss Holly says, knocking on my open door, gaining my attention. 

Instantly smiling as I stand from the carpet where River and I were playing; "Thank you, Miss Holly."

Hunter walks into the room with a broad smile at us; "Hello Lake. Hi River. How are you two this morning?"

"We are good, and how are you?" I return before biting my lower lip. 

"I'm good. Nervous for your answer, but good," he replies, and I hear the slight tremor in his voice, and I see it in his eyes. 

"We would love to move in with you," I tell him with a bright smile as I do not want to keep him worried. 

His whole face brightens as he asks unsure if I am being honest; "You promise?" 

Eagerly nodding with a broad smile of my own, I say; "I promise, and I would never tease about this. I have all of our stuff packed already."

River walks over to Hunter, lifting his arms toward Hunter, who instantly picks him up to kiss his chubby cheeks; "This is awesome! Thank you, Lake! I promise you won't regret this decision!" 

He brings me into his free side with his left arm to hug me tightly. He gently kisses my temple with such a large smile that I am positive if he smiles any wider his face will split in half. 

"You're not making a good decision, Lake, but whatever," Able grumbles fromt he hallway just outside my room. 

"Go away, Abel," I mumble as I gare at him around Hunter's arm. 

When he does not leave, I walk over to the door to loudly hiss at him with fire snapping in my eyes. He litterly tucks his tail between his legs, as his ears pull back before he walks away toward his room. Turning back around, I fully expect to find Hunter disgusted by my hissing, but I am pleasently surprised to find him smiling even brighter at me. 

He walks over with River in his hold still to cup my cheek with this right hand as he proudly says; "That's my sweet Neko."

"You are not upset or disguested by what I just did?" I meakly asksed surprised with a frown as I gaze up at him. 

"Not at all," he softly assures, adn I gently rub my face into the palm of his warm, calloused hand. "You are my sweet Neko, and River is my sweet little Neko."

"We hiss when we are scared, angry, or sad," I warn him, not wanting him unaware of a habit of ours.

"What do you do when you're happy and comfortable?" he murmurs with a soft smile. 

"Purr, rub ourselves on someone, or wrap our tail around the person," I whisper with a smirk as I purr while continuing to rub my face into his palm. 

"That's good to know," he murmurs fondly before gently kissing my forehead. 

"Let's go home, shall we?" he grins down at me as he gently bounces River, who squeals happily as he sloppily kisses Hunter on the cheek. 

Grabbing the three bags before following behind River and Hunter into the hallway toward the front door. We are met at the entryway by everyone but Able. Abel not being here right now does not surprise me. 

"Thank you for everything," I tell all of them. "We will miss you all very much." 

I suck at goodbyes, always have. 

"Come visit us, okay?" Miss Holly requests as she hugs me tightly.

"We will, I promise," I tell her as we pull apart.

"Group hug!" Mrs. Molly requests, and Hunter, River and I find ourselves in the center of a group hug. 

Giggling as I wave at everyone, as does River, while Hunter tells them goodbye. Leaving the building once I picked up the bags, I had placed on the floor to hug Miss Holly, we load up in the truck before leaving. Hunter drives us home.

Home, such a beautiful word. A place where the three of us can be safe, and happy together for howerver long it lasts for. 

Arriving at the house, I take in a deep breath once he parks the truck and turns off the engine before exhaling slowly. Looking over at Hunter with a bright smile, I find him smiling broadly at me. Silently climbing from the truck, I carry River and his diaper bag while Hunter grabs the rest. Entering the house in front of Hunter, a sense of peace washes over me. 

"Welcome home, my sweet Nekos," Hunter softly tells us as he wraps his bulky arms around us from behind with a gentle hug. 

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