At home...
Riko's POV

I was hungry so i walked to the kitchen to see Nara alone. I approached her and sit beside her. "Riko? What are you doing here?" She asked me

"Oh! Nothing. Just hungry so i came to find something to eat." I said and she smiled.

"So who you met earlier?" I asked making her expression change drastically.

"No one!" She said with a smile.

"Nara Aina! Stop lying, were friends and we promised that we never kept secret between each other." I said and she sighed.

She told me everything that happen. "So uncle Nara doesnt want you because of our fucking stupid 2nd gender. We dont even ask to be abnormal but i have something to tell you Nara." I said amd give her a letter.

"What it is?" She asked.

"Open first." I said

Her eyes widen when she open the letter.  "Riko! Its not fake right?" She asked but eyes still on the letter.

"Yes! Based on my research someone change our 2nd gender result with a fake one." I said.

"But where you got this?" She asked me

"Do you remember when we need to take blood test? Thats the result of our test." I said.

"So that mean every test that we have done, the result of the test are fake!?" She said and i nodded.

"How can you confirm this one is not fake and the result from our past test are fake?" She asked again.

"Its because this time my big bro are the first person to know the result and it suppost to be out when we get back to school." I said.

"So that mean this result already out earlier, and from the time we wait for the result to came out so they can fake the result during the time. If i not mistaken, the result you take is the real one so that mean there suppost to be a copy of this. So they will fake the result around Today!?" Aina yelled.

"Relax! They wont this time because all the result already been lock in the laser room at my father's house. No one can enter the room except our family. Even they can enter the room they dont have enough time to fake it." I said and Aina smile.

But suddenly her smile faded. "But you think our father will believe us this time. After all the result before, do you think they will still look at us." Aina said making me shocked.

Silence. I sigh and pats Aina's head. "Hey! No matter if our father desicion we will always together because thats what friends do." I said and we continued to eat.

Suddenly, "Riko! You dont feel weird, if we are a normal alpha why we cant smell the boys pheromones?" Aina asked.

"You right! I think we should do more research bout our body." I said to her and she nodded.



We turned to see the others standing behind us. " guys heard what we talking bout?" Aina asked and they nodded.

Hana sigh. "Lets talk bout this together, were best friends and we do everything together remember?" Hana said and we nodded.

Time skips~
The next morning...
Oikawa's POV

Today me and Dongwon will go out on a date like we promised yesterday. Atsumu helps me choose what to wear on my date today. I feel so nervous but happy. Around 9 am, Dongwon came pick up me with his car.

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