WICKED - Thomas

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Thomas was terrified for Newt and Minho. They were stuck in the maze at night, the last person who was in the maze overnight died. Dr. Paige had told him something about a glitch in the system of Group B and it would be fixed without anyone getting hurt, but she hadn't said anything about Group A, and knowing Paige, she wouldn't bother saving two of her subjects. Especially if one wasn't immune. Thomas had to save his friends and based on what he watched in Group B's maze, Dr. Paige wasn't going to take the extra precaution to make sure Sonya and the other girl, Beatrice were safe either, they almost got crushed by a huge wall. He came up with a plan, he didn't know if it was going to work, but he had to try. Teresa, he called in his head, it took her a second to respond, Yeah Tom?

I need your help, meet me in the observation room.

What's going on Tom?

Please just come, Teresa, I need your help.

All right, I'm on my way

Thank you- He was going to say but he felt the connection cut off. 

A minute later the door opened, and Teresa walked in. 

He showed her the footage and explained the situation in her head, in case they were being watched. 

We need to open up a wall to connect the mazes, Newt and Minho will be stronger with Sonya and Beatrice, and they will have to face only four of the grievers, the rest won't have access to where they are if we can just open up a passage. He told her. He watched her, she was deep in thought, when she finally looked up, he thought she was going to say she wasn't with him, but to his relief, that's not what she said. 

This won't work without Aris and Rachel, we need their help to connect the mazes. 

Where can we find them? 

Follow me.

He did, in a series of turns through white passageways they found themselves in a corridor, identical to the one their rooms were,  Thomas could hear faint voices coming from the first room, Teresa walked up to the door and knocked. Almost instantly Aris opened the door, with Rachel behind him, her red hair flowing in the air of the air conditioner. There were no windows so the air conditioners were always on, whether you liked it or not. Relief was evident on their faces when they saw that it wasn't WICKED guards. "Come in," Aris said. They went in. The room was identical to the one Thomas stayed in, one metal table with a chair and a cold bed with a thin mattress. Thomas explained what happened and Teresa explained the plan. Neither Aris nor Rachel said a word until they finished, but they both looked worried. After they finished Rachel spoke, "the control rooms" All eyes turned to her "WICKED guards close the doors every night from the control room, if there's any way to access the walls it's from there. We have to go fast though before the meeting finishes." "How are we going to get in?" Teresa asked. Rachel smiled. A smile of mischief, before pulling out a keycard from her pocket. Like Thomas and Teresa, Rachel and Aris must have done some snooping around as well. "This only opens Group B's control room though," she said her smile disappearing. "How are we going to open Group A's room?" 

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