Group B - Beatrice

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That was close. Beatrice thought. Minho's grip on her hand was like iron.

They ran a little further from Sonya and Newt, with the griever right behind them. As soon as they turned around a corner, Minho let go of Bea's hand.

"Alright listen, I have a plan. Just follow me alright, you have to trust me." He spoke quickly, with fear in his voice. He seemed to be trembling but managed to stand straight.

Bea just nodded a "Yes" as the griever appeared right behind them.

"C'mon!" Minho yelled as he started running, Bea right behind him and the griever chasing them at their heels.

The moans of the griever were a lot louder now. Bea took the risk to look behind and realized they were being chased by not one, but three grievers now.

"There are three of them now," she yelled.

"Just keep moving," he said as he started taking out his dagger from his belt. He turned behind and threw it, pushing the griever backward, making enough time for Beatrice to position her own knife. The griever stumbled a few steps back causing one of the other two grievers to stop as well. But the third griever had managed to catch up with the other two and a fourth was appearing right out of the right corner.

Bea sprinted a little further then cut down some of the ivies. She loosened it and held on to the ivy while facing the grievers. Minho yelled at her to run but she just yelled back, "Get over here quickly. I know what I'm doing. I got this!"

As soon as Minho had almost caught up with Bea, she let go of the ivy vine, pushed it forward causing a heap of ivy to fall to the ground.

A claw of one of the grievers got stuck in the ivy causing it to stumble. The griever behind it tripped too. Beatrice and Minho grasped this opportunity to breathe before running again. They took a right turn when, through the corner of her eye, Bea noticed the griever who had stumbled starting to move again and the other which tripped was getting up.

She looked forward to see Minho go left and followed him. Then, as they ran, Minho motioned to her to go to her right. "Be careful!" he yelled.

Bea didn't know what Minho had on his mind but did as he asked without looking at him.

Beatrice saw that at the end of the path, there was just blackness, it made her feel sick, a sense of vertigo washed over her. She understood what Minho was doing. 

"Not yet," Minho said, "not yet," She watched him tense NOW!" he said, Minho dove out the way just in time but Bea was too slow, the griever caught hold of her leg just before falling off. Beatrice screamed, a sharp pain erupted from her leg, she was being pulled into the depths of the darkness that lied below

Just as she was about to lose sight of the stone wall a strong hand caught her by the wrist.

"I got you," Minho said as they watched the griever lose its grip and fall off the cliff, he pulled her up quickly, but gently. She looked behind Minho and with horror saw the other three grievers closing in. Before Minho could react, she tackled him out of the way, Beatrice was still on the ground but Minho was immediately on his feet to watch two of the Grievers fall down the cliff. "Just one more," Beatrice thought. It was about to turn around and face them when Beatrice threw her knife, it landed in the fleshy part of the griever knocking the griever into the dark abyss. Beatrice felt a wave of relief, she turned to Minho, but he wasn't smiling. "Newt," he said, and ran back in the direction they came from. Beatrice followed, she was worried too, what if another griever attacked Newt and Sonya while they were gone?

Newt and Sonya - There's no wayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora