A certain hero revealed

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 "C-c-crystal" I stuttered knowing she would do that.

 The second she let go of my shoulder I ran.

 "You'll never take me alive" I said as Misaka just shocked me.

 "On second thoughts I'll be taken alive."

 "Now why the hell did you tell them they could meet me?" I asked Misaka.

 "It was an accident" she said.

 "Yeah right" I said as Misaka pointed behind me.

 "What is it?" I asked turning around to a sucker punch from Sixsix.

 "Really. This has to be the worst timing for you to show up" I said my hand moving towards the Ultimatrix.

 He then said something in his native tongue and grabbed Shirai.

 "Dick move" I said slamming down on the Ultimatrix. 

"Echo Echo" I said as the transformation ended.

Alien info

Species: Sonorosian

Home World: Sonorosia

Abilities: Audiokinesis, Sonic Redirection, Sonic Force Fields, Self-Duplication, Echolocation, Enhanced Jumping, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Acrobatics, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Durability, Vibration Detection, Vibration Empowerment, Levitation, Object Duplication, Sonic Sneezes (via Cold Virus)

I then multiplied into ten of me and surrounded Sixsix.

 "Wall of sound" all of me said at once.

 Suddenly a wave of pure sound came out of my mouths and caused Sixsix and Shirai to cover their ears.

 Sixsix then used his jet pack and flew away grabbing Uiharu

. When he was about at the height of the top of my dorm building and let her go.

 Acting on instinct and twisted the Ultimatrix symbol right and hit it again.

 "Ultimate Echo Echo" I yelled and flew and grabbed her.

Species Evolved Sonorosian

Home World: Sonorosia

Abilities: Audiokinesis, Sonic Screams, Duplicating Sonic Disks, Self-Duplication (via Sonic Disks), Sonokinetic Flight, Sonic Force Fields, Sonic Combustion, Sonic Repulsion, Airwave Generation, Space Survivability, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Dexterity, Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Speed (via Flight)

Then the worst thing happened.

 The Ultimatrix started beeping so I threw Uiharu on to the walkway just as I became a human.

 Luckily, I had enough momentum to grab and swing onto the walkway below.

 What I did not think was that Toma would open his door.

 "Rotten luck" he said as I crashed into him.

 "Ow" I said.

 "Only with your luck can this happen" I added as I got up.

 "Correct" he said as I exited.

 Then using my extremely impressive strength I hauled myself back onto my floor landing with a flip.

 "Show off" Misaka said.

 "HOW DID YOU DO THAT" Saten yelled.

 "Jeez I thought Echo Echo had a loud voice" I said.

 "how did you do that?" Shirai asked.

 "Why do I need to tell you?" I asked.

 "Because I am a member of judgment and it is my job to insure the safety of academy-" she started as I walked away.

 "Hey, get back here" she said teleporting.

 "Crap you're a teleporter" I said.

 "Fine I tell you guys- I mean gals" I said.

 I then explained to them how I found the Omnitrix, fought multiple villains then how the Omnitrix got destroyed and how I got the Ultimatrix.

 "Whoa" the girls except for Misaka said.

 "Well how did you meet Misaka?" Saten asked.

 "I tell you gals some other time" I replied.

 "Who is stronger you or Misaka?" Uiharu asked.

 "Me" Misaka and I said at the same time.

 "You its obviously me" we said in perfect sync.

 "I have the Ultimatrix" I said.

 "Well I'm the third rank level 5" she said.

 "How about you two fight and settle it that way?" Saten asked.

 "Deal" we said. 

A Certain Heroic Boy Book 1: Science, Magic and Aliens (Old version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz