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3rd person P.O.V

"Explain this. Miss Komoe's an academy city teacher she a bonafide beer drink chain smoking adult. How is it that he PJs even fit you" Toma said as the nun whose name was Index was wearing a pair of Beau's and Toma's teacher Komoe's spare bunny PJs.

"I mean the age difference must be huge" he continued.

"It's rude to talk down to people. And anyway they don't fit that well the chest area is way to tight on me" Index said.

"Shush let me sleep" Beau said who was sleeping on the other end of the bed with Misaka snuggling next to him.

"Gekota" Misaka said in her sleep as her eyes fluttered open.

"WHAAA" she said as she saw that Beau was right next to her and that she had pushed herself up to his chest.

"Sumo slammers, Mr. Smoothies, Tyranno Infinity" Beau murmured in his sleep as Misaka turn bright red.

"Why am I in bed with Beau" she said getting out to see that she was in a black t-shirt and shorts that were a little big for her.

"And whose clothes are these?" she asked.

"Well after you went to help Beau I ran after you to find you with your head on Beau and blood on your clothes, so I grabbed a spare pair of my clothes and Miss Komoe put you on them" Toma said as the Ultimatrix turned pink.

"DNA glitch" Ben's voice said as a green mana platform appeared underneath Beau and Misaka and lifted them into the air.

"What the" Misaka heard as she turned her head to see Kevin and Lucy at the doorway.

"Help" she said as the platform got to close to the roof.

Then it disappeared and Beau and Misaka landed on the floor and it was not a nice landing.

Well not for Beau at least.

While Beau landed on the floor, Misaka landed on Beau.

"What the" Beau said opening his eyes to see Lucy, Kevin, Miss Komoe, Index, Toma and Misaka.

"Ok I'm dreaming" he said.

Time skip brought to you by Chibby Index biting Toma, Chibby Misaka chasing Beau and Albedo, Lucy, Kevin, Shirai, Saten and Uiharu trying not to laugh, Beau's P.O.V

"HAHAHAHAHA" Misaka laughed as I told her about how Stiyl performed as magic spell and how I absorbed it and coated my body in flames.

"I'm serious" I said and I guess the look on my face convinced her.

"Lunch is here" Kevin said as him and Lucy walked in with 11 pizza 5 and half which was eaten just by Index.

"Whoa she has a stomach like Upchuck" Misaka joked as everyone laughed.

"So explain all this church stuff again" Kevin said as Index nodded.

"Originally there was only one church but over time-" Index started.

"I mean The Church of Necessary Evil" Kevin interrupted.

"Think about it like this if you know exactly what makes up a building then you can easily destroy it, the same is with magic, if you know how a magic spell works then you know how to stop it" Index explained.

"So that's why the church had you memorize all of those books" Misaka said.

"That's not right" I said as everyone looked at me.

"Wait do you mean Beau?" Index asked.

"I mean making a child read 103000 dangerous books. It's too much FUCKING reasonability for someone her age" I said as Lucy realized why I was saying it.

A Certain Heroic Boy Book 1: Science, Magic and Aliens (Old version)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant