Chapter One: Letting Loose

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Chapter One: Letting Loose

A/N: Starting the book off with a bit of smut(; WARNING: Sexxxx. If you don't like that or are younger than (idk) 13 then do NOT continue reading. Otherwise, enjoy(;

Skylar's POV

I watched as the gorgeous blonde made his way across the dance floor to the table I was sitting at. His bright blue eyes scanning over my body.

My head was spinning and my body felt warm due to the alcohol in my system. Tonight was for me to let loose, and forget about Matt.

Desiree thought it would be a good idea to go out and get drunk, even though we weren't of age yet.

Our plan was going well so far; with the thumping music and the flashing lights my mind was too busy to think about that asshole.

I had already downed a bunch of shots and a few other drinks, which I do not know the names of. The bartender just kept bringing me more and more, but I didn't mind, it felt good to let go.

"Hello love, would you like to dance?" A thick Irish accent broke me from my trance. I accepted his offer and slipped my hand in his, letting him lead me to an open spot on the floor.

"What's your name?" He asked me, leaning in so I could hear him better.

"Skylar, and yours?" I grinned at the boy in front of me. He was beautiful; with a bright smile, mesmerizing eyes, and dyed-blonde hair. He could be a model for all I know.

"That's a lovely name. I'm Niall. Now, let's dance."

So, we did just that. I let my rational thoughts slip away as I swayed my hips to the beat.

I didn't realize it until after it had been happening for a bit, but we were now grinding on one another. His hands gripped my hips tightly as my own were resting on his neck. The sexual tension between the two of us was sure to be felt from miles away.

My skin was hot and my stomach was churning, but that could have been the effects of the alcohol. I'm not really sure.

My eyes shot open when I felt his hard on pressing against my thigh. I pretended to not notice as I continued dancing, but it was so obvious..

I looked up at him and he smiled before pressing his lips to mine.

I'm not sure if it was the alcohol or if I actually wanted to, but I kissed him back. Our lips moving in sync. He licked my bottom lip, but I didn't grant him access. Why not have a little fun, right?

Niall slid his hand down my body and grasped my bum, causing me to gasp into the kiss. He took full advantage and his tongue shot through my parted lips and began dancing with my own tongue.

I pulled away first, panting heavily. His eyes now looked a darker shade of blue, different than before.

"What do you say we head back to mine?" He smirked at me.

I'm letting loose tonight so I might as well not half-ass it. I mean it's not like I'm a virgin, Matt took that from me months ago.

"Sounds good," I winked at him before slipping my hand back into his large one.

We exited the club, stumbling a few times, but we made it. He opened the cab's door for me and I climbed in. Niall told the driver an address, and the man took off down the street.

"Shit, I should probably text Desiree," I muttered, digging in my clutch for my phone.

To: Desiree (: 
I just left the club. Probably wont be coming home tonight.. Don't wait up for me! x

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