A tiny smile appeared on my face by just staring at my niece.

My mother cooed. "I never thought I will ever see this happen."

"Right?" Esme agreed.

I ignored them and continued watching Lorena.

"You look funny holding her." I heard Rafael comment.

"I think she looks adorable. See, Andrea, you should-"

"Ma, not this again. I told you, I do not want a relationship, get married, and have babies at the moment. I'm way too busy." I said in annoyance. It's the same thing everyday. She tries setting me up on blind dates and wants me to meet her friends' sons. But I always end up hiding.

"But I want more grandchildren." Mother pouted. Oh no, I am not falling for this. I know what she's doing.

"Let her live her life. She's just twenty-two. You should try to get Carlos a lady instead of alwat trying to set Andrea up." Esme defended me. I mouthed her a 'thank you' and she nodded in response.

"You know he won't listen to me." Mother argued.

"True." Rafael muttered.

"Yes he will. You have to convince him."

Lies. All lies. Carlos, the oldest of the three of us. My sex-crazed brother. He's twenty-seven and hasn't settled down. The family always thought he will be the first to get married and give my parents grandchildren. That all changed when he got into college and became a party lunatic. My parents weren't around when he was in college so he took advantage and partied and did a lot of awful things.

Mother's phone rang loudly, making Lorena cry in my arms. It startled me and I quickly gave Esme the baby and moved away from the cry baby.

"Careful!" Esme scolded, rocking her baby.

"She's just a baby." Rafael laughed at me. I glared at him and stuck my tongue out at him playfully.

"It's your padre. I'll be right back." Mother excused herself. Esme frowned at the mention of my father.

"I wish Pa was here." She said quietly. Rafael wrapped his arms around her and the baby and she laid her head on his chest.

I clenched my jaw. My father had the nerve to not show up for his first grandchild's birth. He rather work than be here. That's the bad thing about your father being the CEO. He's a workaholic.

The door burst open and Carlos appeared with flowers.

"At least he came." I mumbled.

"There's a lot of people outside the room waiting to see the baby. Didn't know you guys hand friends." He teased, placing the flowers on the table.

"You're not funny." Esme smiled at the sight of our bother.

He looked at Lorena and poked her cheek, making her squirm in her sleep. "I can't believe she came out of you."

"I know." She replied and her smile widened.

Carlos eyes flickered rapidly towards her and Rafael. Then he stopped on the baby.

"She looks a lot like Rafael. No wonder why she isn't ugly." That earned him a slap on the arm from Esme. "Ouch." He whined. "Control your woman!"

I laughed at the scene and Rafael was smiling at the fact that Lorena looks a lot like him.

Carlos held the baby and walked around in a circle, murmuring to her.

"We have to go to Mexico soon. My parents need to meet their grandchild." Rafael spoke to Esme.

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