~8~ Mr World Wide

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"Hello mama ;)" The phone said. Dave froze, he didn't know how to react. He was finally happy but his feelings for Pitbull were so intense and nostalgic for Dave. Dave had a thing for bald men...

Dave took a deep breath and thought about how happy he is with Ian. He thought about how Ian had a soulpatch and Pitbull... did not. He knew what choice to make. 

Dave's phone

Dave: Pitbull. I have a boyfriend and it's serious. 
Pitbull: So what? We all have a little lust in us ;) 
Dave: Please stop. You dont want to mess with him. I mean it. 
Pitbull: Who is this little man you're with davey?
Dave: None of your business. 

Dave blocked Pitbull, the nerve of this guy! Dave was so mad he just wanted to punch something. 

He picked up a pillow and started screaming into it, he finally calms down and sees nerdy, ugly Simon staring at him... "What. Are. You. Looking. At." Dave says. 

"U-um Dave... let's settle down..." Simon says while pushing up his glasses. Dave starts walking over slowly to Simon and motions towards the couch. 

"Simon. Daddy's not doing too well..." Dave says sadly. Simon gives a sympathetic look and then flashes his crusty yellow teeth trying to smile. 

"Well Dave, focus on our album! Uncle Ian said we have a celeb that's going to be featured!" Simon says. Dave gives a light smile back and pats Simon on the back. Simon goes to bed since it's past his bedtime (5:00pm). Dave yawns and realizes he's tired too. He puts on his onesie and heads to bed. 

The next day

Everyone is gathered around the studio waiting for Ian's announcement. 

"Hey everyone! Glad you made it. So, here's the thing. We got a big star to be on the album!" Ian states with a happy tone. Everyone looks happy until Theodore opens his mouth. 

"Uh Uncle Ian... who is the guest?" He asks. Ian tries not to throw up at Theo's squeaky pick me girl voice. 

"Well, you may have heard of him. Pitbull. Yeah, I know. Boom."  He answers. The boys start squealing but Dave's eyes go wide. "What's wrong Dave?" Ian asks with concern. Dave shakes his head and smiles, he doesn't need to know, he concludes. 

Dave x Ian- RivalsWhere stories live. Discover now