Chapter Two ~ Jackets

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Brea couldn't help but to shiver in anticipation.

The closer she got to her destination, the more apprehension she felt, but she couldn't deny that along with her nerves came a feeling of restless excitement. A feeling of yearning that she had had ever since she had opened her mothers book the previous night.

As soon as she had woken up early that morning, she had packed her bags, gotten herself ready as quickly as possible and locked up her little apartment, and hailed a taxi.

From there she had made her way to her cities big airport, purchased a last minute cancellation ticket to Edinburgh Scotland, and proceeded to wait for her flight.

And that's how she managed to find herself sitting on a bus, being driven straight to the isle of Skye, after a large 15 hours of travel.

As the hills rolled by, Brea couldn't believe the beauty of the countryside she was witnessing. Her stomach filled with even more butterflies as the driver of the bud called out that they where on the last five minutes of their journey.

The feeling of newness and what if's, and the strong sense of adventure that surged through Brea as she got closer and close to her destination, caused her to feel slightly dizzy.

She had done nothing quite like this before.

She had never been the sort of person who went on their own adventures or discovered the answers to their what-ifing questions, But she knew now that she had come too far to turn back.

Her ride grew ever closer to the place she had been what if-ing about since she was just a child, and when she stepped out of the bus, what she saw there took her breath-away.

Brea had finally arrived in the place her mother had visited when she was young, and the place that she herself had always dreamed about going to as a child.

When Brea had received the journal her mother had left her that had contained her will, she had wanted, at first, to read every page of the journal all at once, but when she had begun to do just that and realised that the book was all about her mother's own adventures in Skye, she had decided that she wanted to savour the closeness she felt to her when she read it, and follow along in her mothers own footsteps.

Perhaps by doing this, she would find her own adventures in Skye. Perhaps she would even find the answers she had been waiting for since she was young. But the only way that she was going to find out about anything was by doing.

So she tightened her grip on her suitcase and began the cold walk towards what she hoped was the bed-and-breakfast she had searched up on her phone on the bus trip there.

As she was walking along, attempting to hold all of her bags whilst she was at it, Brea hadn't realised that there was someone waking in front of her before it was far to late.

Crash! She feel to the ground in a heap, her bags toppling over with her and promptly burying her in a pile. She was mortified when she found that she couldn't even manage getting herself back up so she could apologise to whomever she had bumped into. Just as she felt like crawling further under her bags so that she could hide from the utter shame of it, she felt them being lifted off of her, with a half amused, half concerned face peaking into her still half on top of her suitcase cave.

"Hi there, you ok?" Came a very thick accent, and Brea's cheeks coloured an alarming shade of red at the embarrassment of her situation.

"I-I think so. Did I bump into you? I'm so sorry!" She managed as the woman continued to pick the bags up, put them to the side and offered her a hand up.

But she brushed it off with a chuckle.

"It's fine. As long as your alright, that was quite the... topple." She said with a smile and as Brea attempted to fix her messy hair she tried to manage a smile.

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