Chapter Nine ~ Napkins

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The next morning, Brea woke up feeling a little better than she had the night before. Her and the incredibly attractive artist she had stayed up till the early hours of the morning with must have fallen asleep in the same bed together, because much to Brea's embarrassment, she had found that she had been lying rather alarmingly close to the woman's chest.

Brea had to admit that the more time she spent with the painter, the deeper a hole she was digging herself, one that she knew would be particularly hard to climb out of.

When Miranda moved a little in her sleep, Brea quickly decided that she had already way over stayed her welcome. She didn't know if she was quite yet ready to face the artist after the two of them had slept so close to each other. Did Miranda know about it? Was she annoyed at Brea for it, or did she want to be as close to her as Brea admittedly wanted herself? These where the questions that Brea knew she wouldn't get answered without actually asking them first, but she just didn't quite have the nerve for that yet.

So as quietly and as she could, Brea took the blankets off of herself and placed them on Miranda. She tip toed towards the bench where she eventually found a pen and paper, and wrote a quick thank you note, before she snuck out and back to her BnB, limping a little as she went.

That afternoon Brea dragged herself (kicking and screaming on the inside) to a doctor in Skye. When Brea had told him why she was insured he had given her a very unimpressed look as if she were a child who had been caught being naughty or running away. He had even told her that she was very lucky she had only twisted her ankle and that she should stay off of it for a few days, in order to prevent a sprain, and that also, she should really learn from her mistake and not be so reckless the next time.

The nerve!

Did she follow those instructions? Well...not to an exact T. Ok maybe she did that day and even the following night, but there was no way she was going to let something as small as a twisted ankle prevent her from continuing to follow her mother's trail.

It was the very next day in fact, that Brea had found herself reading the next passage from her mothers journal. After she had read through it, she knew exactly where she should go next, but before she did she thought it might be wiser to get some lunch first as she had been cooped up in her bnb all morning. And If you were to ask her exactly what she had been doing whilest she was resting, she would be sure to promptly deny the fact that she had been daydreaming about a certain woman whom lived on a boat...

The journal passage read,

Saturday, 16th of January 2000.

Should I have given myself the day off to recover my nerves after last nights little mishap? Yeah, I probably should have, but well, after he let me stay at his cute little cabin for the night, and after we broke down some walls and finally just decided to forget the formalities and well, you know what comes next... I'm feeling a little restless now, to say the least.

I mean, sure It's not like I haven't slept with someone before....but well, somehow with him, it all felt so new, like it was the first time, even though it wasn't and oh god I'm starting to sound like such a sap! Better stop before I get way too ahead of myself and ask him to marry me or something.

I fully intend to go on a new adventure today, I need to get my mind.... away from my mind and my heart to stop fretting about the fact that I've not yet received a call back. I've decided to go and explore the local lighthouse! It's located at a place called Neist Point, it's apparently abandoned and as the lovely locals have said...haunted!! Not that I'm easily spooked, ha! If anything, it will be a thrill!

So, this is me, signing off and making a pact to myself not to think about tour guides.

Wish me luck! -M

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