My First Mistake

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He was my first mistake. His gorgeous brown eyes and his light brown hair were a mistake. I never should've said yes to him. I should've told him no like I did with the others. If I did, then I'm pretty sure all the drama would've been avoided. But I didn't listen to my head. I listened to my foolish heart. Now, I must pay the price.  


I looked down at my hands, hoping that I wouldn't see Alex's pleading eyes. The cinnamon scent flooded into my nose. I knew that I had to say no. However, I didn't want to. I wanted to say yes. I wanted for once to say yes. I was so tired of turning down guys for religious reasons! Alex is a check the box Christian, but that's close enough...right? 

I looked up at him, knowing that looking at him was a mistake. Alex's mesmerizing brown eyes looked at me with such uncertainty that it made me want to kiss him right then and there. Alex was like...Andrew. He said that he was Orthodox Christian, but he didn't show it. But even though I knew this wasn't going to last, I just wanted him. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted Alex to be mine. And I wanted to be his. 

Rachel's voice filled my head, "Is this really the wisest decision?" I shook my head, trying to get my voice of reason out of my head. "Think about it. Do you love him? Is he a true Christian?" Rachel's voice whispered in my head. No. No. Stop talking! Leigh, focus on his eyes. His gorgeous brown eyes. 

"So, Leigh Bennett, will you be my girlfriend?" Alex wondered, moving my hair behind my ears. No, I thought. No, wait, yes! 

"No," Rachel's voice whisped. Stop it! Let me think! I should probably not date him. But I like him. 

So, I did the most stupidest thing that I could ever do. "Yes..." And that was the beginning of the worst and best year I could ever have. 

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