Ryland Olmec

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Name: Ryland Olmec

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Name: Ryland Olmec

Gender: Male

Magic : Vine Titan Slayer

Race: Human

Age: 19

Relatives: Amhuluk (Foster Father/Mentor)

Relatives: Amhuluk (Foster Father/Mentor)

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|Basic Spells|

Elasticity: He Can expand, flatten, stretch or slightly enlarge body. It can be used for fighting, because it increases strength and speed. However it's also used for spying, because it allows the user to hide quickly and the spied person can't notice anything.

Fungus and Spore abilities:

Spore Magic: Spore Magic is fairly similar to Plant Magic, however opposed to utilizing the pure and raw power of plants, Spore Magic is much more refined and can produce a multitude of spores for varies effects. Spore Magic is entirely capable of being used for support or overtime battles. However it isn't much for offensive and defensive battling, being more used as a secondary compared to being primary.

However this is a down side since if Spore Magic is focused on for primary usage of a mage, it's abilities and limits become much more advanced then many can actually anticipate. Those who indulge on this magic as a main form have discovered ways to use it offensively, such as being able to compress the spores into forms in which they can fire them as bullets or pellets for combat. After collision, the bullets often decompress and explode into a cloud in which size varies depending on the size of the pellet. The cloud will cause the respective effects of the spore in which the pellets were made of, atop of damaging the target from the force of the collision and the effects that follow suit.

Regardless of experience levels, the user(s) can always release the spores as a cloud as this is it's original form of releasing. The effects and lethality of each and every spore increases with the mage's proficiency. Not only that, but certain spores are more lethal than some others in general. The effects of the spores vary going from paralysis, toxins, insomnia, and some can even heal. Although healing spores require great mastery over this magic to use and therefor, it's one of the techniques only those who use this magic as a primary form can truly produce. Certain spores are also said to be able to boost one's physical capabilities by causing the neural system to send out signals, boosting the rate and intensity of the muscular system.

Fungus Magic: Fungus Magic's main purpose is control over fungi, or mushrooms as they are most commonly known. This allows the user to instantly grow mushrooms of large size, ones that are unseen in nature. These fungi can be sprouted in seconds, by breathing out "spores" onto the ground, or by directly controlling the earth, spreading spores to the area in order to sprout the mushrooms, which takes the form of black smoke, and is their magic energy modified to allow this effect. The mushrooms, being magical in nature, are much stronger than normal mushrooms, being capable of being effective barriers, or even used for offense, striking a target when summoned. In addition, the mushrooms can be grown on living organisms, but only on corpses, causing them to decompose, eventually turning the decomposing corpse into a mass of mushrooms in a matter of seconds. If the user attempts to grow the mushrooms on a living organism, the mushrooms will simply grow on them as an added layer, at best slowing them down, however, it is possible to cause the mushrooms to sprout from within the user, causing damage from the inside.

Entanglement : This spell commands already existing plants and roots—as well as creating new plants—to grow larger that what their normal size would be. With this spell, the user can entangle their opponent in dense shrubbery, thick enough to prevent any movement, or entangled within vines and leaves, allowing for the option of leaving the opponent suspended in the air, or for maximizing the amount of damage dealt by commanding the vines to toss them around.

Earthshaker Gauntlets: Ryland wears gauntlets infused with His Amhuluk Titan Slayer Magic. These gauntlets allow him to create seismic shockwaves by striking the ground, causing tremors and localized earthquakes. The intensity and range of these shockwaves depend on his magical power and concentration.

Toxic Emitters: Amhuluk possesses toxic emitters that pollute an area.

Psychic Blasts: Amhuluk is able to latch onto an opponent using the tip of his tentacles and send a psychic blast to its brain. The blasts are powerful enough to "be fatal to a weaker opponent, or a mere stunning blow to a stronger one." This ability is used sparingly, as it drains Amhuluk's energy each time it is used.

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