The Date

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Loren POV

Eddie should be here in about 30 minutes. I just finished curling the last strand of my hair. I needed to get my makeup on and slip on my dress. It was nothing fancy, just a casual white dress.

Right when I got my shoes on the doorbell rings. Handsome and punctual; I pick my mother's words right out of her head if she was hear.

I quickly run to the door and open. He's holding a bouquet of my favorite flowers, orchids. When I looked at his face, he looked frozen for a second so I decided to break the silence.

"Well don't you look handsome, Mr. Duran"

He finally breaks his stare. "You look, beautiful."

"Why thank you, handsome. Are those for me?"

"Yes, they are. I heard from a little birdie that these are you favorite."

"Yes they are. I'll have to thank my mom. Haha. Come on, let's go. We have 8:00 reservations"

"Well, is the driver going to get clued in as to where we are going?"

"Well if you can call my mom, I can get a hold of Jeffery and have him set your GPS."

"You are one devious girl underneath all that good, aren't you."

"You caught me. I'm a total badass."

The car ride to the place was full of talk. We talked about our family, music, and so much more. The best thing with our relationship is that there is never a dull moment or awkward silence. We plenty of things to talk about, but we also can enjoy a comfortable silence.

When we got there, the look on Eddie's face was priceless. The thing about this place is, it looks like one of the shabby places on the outside, but on the inside, that's what really makes the place.

"Loren, are you going to kill me and dump that body in this dump? Where are we?"

I laugh. "Eddie, trust me, you are going to love this place. Just follow me. Sometime, the ugliest places are the most beautiful."

"Loren Tate, that was so deep" he says as he laughs.

"I know. I am a very deep person. I hope you like Indian food."

"I love it!"

When I pull Eddie into the place, he looks shocked. I love the set up of this place. It's cozy and peaceful. Most of the seating booths with the exception of maybe five or six tables, but the booths have a bunch of pillows and seats that you could just curl up in. It's set up with a romantic lighting, candles all around plus little water fountains around the place.

"What do ya think, Rock Star? How do you like that place now?"

"I.. My god, this place is amazing! It's so peaceful."

The host greets us and tells us our table is ready. As we sit down, the chef comes out to see me.

"Loren, it has been a while since we've seen you and your mother. How are you?"

"Jai! I'm great. I'm sorry we haven't been around, but it's been a busy time. I promise to come around with my mom more."

"Well, how about I bring out your favorites for you and your boy."

"Oh! Sorry, I'm being rude. Eddie this is Jai, the chef is the place. Jai this is Eddie"

"Hi, nice to meet you, Jai; your place is absolutely breathtaking."

"It's nice to meet a friend of Loren. Enjoy your night."

"Thanks, Jai."

Eddie turns to me with a big grin. I look down shyly.

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