Chapter 8

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Skye POV

Lizzie jumps off me and stands up brushing her crinkled shirt nervously. I lay there staring at the person who had just walked in on us making out. "Sorry guys um yeh." Scarlett stutters her cheeks going red as she stands there awkwardly. I don't move unsure of what to do or say. 

I watch as Lizzie blushes hard and bites her lip. My heart flutters watching her but my attention turns back to Scarlett as she begins talking to me. "Um the Russo brothers wanted me to come get you guys... your scene is coming up." Scarlett chuckles awkwardly not making eye contact with either of us. I nod and stand up smoothing out my hair and running my hands over my clothes. 

I catch Lizzie watching me and grin at her making her go even redder looking back at the floor. "Scarlett could you do us a favour and not tell anyone please." Lizzie whispers playing with her rings on her fingers. Scarlett nods. "Of course. I am the best secret keeper ever." She laughs winking at me. I shake my head and roll my eyes laughing. "Anyway lets go." Scarlett says walking back out the trailer. I look at Lizzie who just laughs and I walk over to her. "One last kiss before we don't touch for another like 4 hours," I beg giving her puppy dog eyes. She rolls her eyes but plants a kiss on my lips before walking out the trailer with me following close behind.

~2 weeks later~

Everything had been going well. Scarlett had kept our secret safe and Lizzie and I were able to continue our relationship in secret, mostly in our trailers every time we had a break. 

"Lizzie your actually the stupidest person ever." I laugh as she tells me the story of how she got rats in her house and how they ate a banana and she thought her sister ate it with a fork. Lizzie looks at me with mock shock on her face. "How dare you...I am offended." She says turning her back on me. I grin and my hands grab her waist tickling her gently. She tries to hold in her laughs but fails giving in quickly. She falls on my shoulder and groans pushing my hands away. I go to tickle her again when my phone rings.

"One sec Liz." I whisper answering my phone. "Hello?" I say confused. "Hi Skye it's James  Corden's assistant here wondering if you wanted to schedule an interview for his show?" The voice says through the other end of the phone. I raise my eyebrows excitedly. "Yes thats fine just call my agent and let him know and I will be there." I reply before ending the phone. "Who was that?" Lizzie asks frowning. "James Corden's assistant asking if I wanted to do an interview with him... how cool is that?" I spill excitedly. Lizzie laughs and shakes her head. 

"That sounds pretty fun. I wish I could come... oh wait hold on my phone is ringing now." Lizzie says startled. I cross my fingers hoping it was James Corden's assistant once again. "Hello?" Lizzie says looking at me frowning. I watch intrigued as she listens to the person on the other end. Her eyes light up and she nods. "Yes yes that would be wonderful... yep please contact my agent." Lizzie replies before hanging up her phone. 

I watch excitedly as she grabs my hands tightly. "We are going to be on the same interview with James Corden." She grins gripping my hands tightly. " One yess I can't wait and two ow your holding my hands a little tight there." I laugh. Lizzie lets go of my hands smiling apologetically at me before getting excited again. "Haven't you been on his show before Liz?" I ask laughing at her reaction. She nods. "Yeh but I haven't been on with my girlfriend before." She grins taking my face in her hands and kissing me. I smile into the kiss and run my hands through her hair.

~another week later~

"Are you excited? I am a bit nervous." Lizzie says biting her lip a little. I frown a little and stand up from her trailers couch. I walk over to her and take her hand in mine. "You ok? I am going to be there every step of the way you know." I whisper kissing her cheek gently. Lizzie nods smiling at me. "Yeh I just have a little bit of anxiety but its nothing really." She says turning her pout into a grin. I bite my lip looking at her worriedly. "Yeh but if you got nervous you would tell me right?" I ask pulling her into a hug. I feel her nod into my shoulder and I let out a sigh. " Ok well I will be here the whole time even if we can't show everyone we are dating." I whisper caressing her face with my hand. She nods again and smiles at me before sitting down on the couch. 

"Skye, Elizabeth your chauffeur has arrived." A voice says outside our trailer. "Thanks we will be out in a second." I reply taking Lizzie's hand and kissing it before letting it go and walking outside. My agent stands next to the trailer waiting for me. "The interview starts in 1 hour... you and Elizabeth will arrive and greet some fans out the front before going inside and getting your makeup redone and then finally going into the interview. And be warned it is a game." My agent says in a stoic tone. I nod my thanks to him and walk towards the car with Lizzie behind me.

The car was a grey Land Rover that had tinted windows so no one could see inside. I jumped in first and held out my hand to Lizzie trying to help her get in. She gives me a look and I roll my eyes smirking a little before taking my hand away and letting her get in herself. "Letss goo." I grin putting my seatbelt on.Lizzie grins at me but I watch her leg shaking nervously."My agent said its a game soo... I just hope it isn't a game wear I actually have to like eat something or get wet or something." I laugh. Lizzie rolls her eyes at me her smile getting bigger as I talk. "Your such a diva Skye... thats the whole fun part of the game." She says punching me gently. I shake my head and laugh before continuing our conversation until we reach Jame's building.

~Please please please go check out my Alice story if you haven't already and tell me what you think of it. The account is Alice_Cullen_Simp and the story is called Lost.~

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