Even if she did carry a walking stick to school, no one ever laughed at her. From the very beginning, everyone was super friendly to her.

Her deskmate was a four-eyed boy. Slightly shy, he wasn’t really talking to anyone in the class, he studied very hard, but his result never really improved.

The girl that sat in front of her turned around excitedly: “Ting Ting, you’re here!”

Meng Ting smiled back politely, missing moments like these, voice as soft as the wind in March, she replied: “ Zhao Nuan Cheng.”

Zhao Nuan Cheng tidied her ruffled hair for her that got messy because of the morning breeze, and softly said to Meng Ting: “ Remember to apply for the scholarship, the form has already been distributed.” She knows Meng Ting’s family is not doing too well financially and is especially sorry for her.


The first class was our homeroom teacher, Ms Tang’s subject. She’s our language teacher, proper and elegant.

Meng Ting listened closely to this familiar knowledge while jotting down her notes.

Holding the pen felt weird, but she was paying serious attention in class.

Her deskmate, Hong Hui, couldn’t help but peek at what she was writing, his desire to learn, along with his never improving results, he was desperate, coincidentally with the smartest in class sitting beside him, he always couldn’t resist to “steal some of her secret techniques.”

Meng Ting noticed his gaze and shifted her book so he could get a closer look.

Her actions left Hong Zhi embarrassed. He secretly thought to himself, no wonder everyone liked Meng Ting, she really is cute and gentle.

The first class ended, Meng Ting finally got used to her high school days again.

Seven High then didn’t have many extra funds, the tables and fans were old. The chairs were close to the brink of breaking, shaking them would make a sort of cracking sound.

The only thing new in the classrooms were the multimedia blackboards.

Luckily, it was autumn, they didn’t really need the fan, but the infrastructures made a huge difference between both of the schools.

As LiCai got to enjoy air conditioning and heaters in the morning.

They got to enjoy themselves comfortably, but they were sweating in the summer and shivering in the winter.

The gap between the rich and the poor is so apparent.

Just as the first class ended, something happened in school.

Commotions outside could be heard, Meng Ting was still sitting at her spot. After a while, Zhao Nuan Cheng walked over. Her face seemingly excited from the fresh gossip she’s overheard: “ Shen Yu Qing from LiCai Class 14 across, she’s not attending her classes now, guess why.”

Meng Ting’s heart fell.

Why? What other reason would there be, of course, it’s because of Jiang Ren.

Expectedly, Zhao Nuan Cheng continued: “ She’s doing this for a guy in LiCai. She seemed all high and mighty and is the prettiest in school, no one was ever good enough for her, now she’s fighting for a guy with another girl, funny right?”

Liu Xiao Yi from the back also overheard them, joining them in the conversation: “ The guy comes from a pretty impressive background.”

Seven High’s news was shut tight, Jiang Ren only joined LiCai in September. He was famous there, there was no one who didn’t know who he was.

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