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Chapter 22-Nuisance

Translator-zyzy Editor-Aru

The nurse skillfully injected a needle into her, and let Meng Ting cover it up with a cotton pad after she finished. She headed out after, leaving the medical room to the two students.

Meng Ting looked down towards the cotton pad, it didn’t hurt as much.

The teenage girl had smooth skin, her skin that was as fair as milk had a few hints of colour. She turned around, gazing right into the boy’s black pupils. His gaze rested on her bare shoulders, slightly predatory, but he noticed that she had turned back and slowly matched her gaze.

Meng Ting didn’t think he would keep looking, she didn’t put much emphasis on her injury and threw the cotton pad away, pulling her sweater to cover her shoulders. Meng Ting’s face flushed red: “You promised to not look.”

His gaze slightly smiling: “I didn’t say that.”

Meng Ting gave it some thought and realised that he really didn’t promise her that, she felt like she was cheated on and got up to walk out of the medical room.

Jiang Ren said: “Where are you going, you.”

She wasn’t pissed off at him, she just felt really embarrassed: “My friends are still outside.”

“That girl, can’t she let the head nurse do the injection for her?”

Meng Ting only looked back.

Zhao Nuan Cheng’s pain tolerance was really low, she was terrified of injections. The nurse from before didn’t get the spot right, she almost cried out of fright, Meng Ting knows that the head nurse’s skill is quite good, this is a good thing. She nodded, softly said: “Thank you.”

He suddenly got close to her: “Can you treat me better, Meng Ting, even if you treat me like one of your classmates, I’m fine with that too. I won’t ask for much, just a little better will do.”

Meng Ting froze and softly nodded in the end.

He almost couldn’t believe that she really promised him, with his fingers tightly wrapped on the lighter, only letting go of it after a while, his eyes glistened.

Meng Ting couldn’t help but look elsewhere.

Actually, she didn’t think much about it, Jiang Ren and her are from different schools, even if they followed the tracks from her past life, the interactions between the two were very little. In the end, he’ll return to his Jiang family.

She remembered the day she got into the accident, Jiang Ren had long returned to B City.

They weren’t going to have many interactions, he just didn’t know that.

There was the sound of people rustling outside the medical room, Jiang Ren let her go out first, he’ll take care of Zhao Nuan Cheng.

After exiting the hospital, the air outside was refreshing. Since the start of winter, H City has only got colder and colder. It is a city that never snows, Meng Ting was born here, and she’ll die here too.

In her last life, she lived for 19 years, she’s never seen real snow.

She walked along the cinnamon tree path for quite some time, as she turned back, she saw Jiang Ren following her. Meng Ting said: “Why are you following?”

His hands in his pocket: I’m sending you home.”

“No.” Her face flushed pink, her gaze clear, “You said that you won’t bother me after the injection.”

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