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Chapter 30: The night

Translator-zyzy Editor-Aru

December this year had been extra chilly. However, there was no snow for the winter in H City, the dry and cold weather accompanied by the breeze, made people shiver.

Meng Ting had been practising the piano for a month, she always secretly went over to Li Cai after her classes ended. Yet, she never met Jiang Ren once. They were from different schools, Jiang Ren was worried and dared not directly look for her. After the bus service was widely available, Meng Ting didn’t need to cycle home anymore. Hence, she couldn’t be easily found after school.

Right before Christmas Eve, Jiang Ren missed her.

Now, he seldom rode on his mountain bike and seldom drove.

He never wore his ripped jeans and his black hair was starting to grow out. He Jun Ming was extremely surprised that Boss Ren even quit smoking.

Although Jiang Ren’s reputation was still bad, it was slowly shifting towards the good end.

The day before Christmas Eve, Jiang Ren went out of his condominium alone. He lives just beside the sea in H City, right behind it was a newly developed property project. Snow didn’t come this year, but the rain had started to pour.

He hasn’t spoken to her for quite a long time. Skipping his dinner, he went to Meng Ting’s neighbourhood.

He drove.

The small rain started to turn heavy, the wiper constantly scraped over, yet it still couldn’t block off the endless rain droplets.

Meng Ting’s house was on the third floor. Father Shu wasn’t back yet, and Meng Ting didn’t expect such a huge downpour. Shu Lan was playing games in her room and secretly bought a handphone for herself. Shu Yang, who was in the other room, was practising questions for the physics paper and did not care about what was happening outside.

Meng Ting hurriedly went to the balcony to collect the clothes and close the windows.

She tiptoed and used the pole to help collect the clothes, the silver-coloured sports car downstairs began to honk crazily.

The rain continued to fall, softening the noise from the honking.

Meng Ting carried a stack of clothes, looked down and saw a familiar car.

She bit her lips, her heart started to race but decided to ignore it.

After bringing all the clothes inside. She was scared that the thunderstorm would damage the electronic appliances, then proceeded to pull out all the plugs. Lastly, she went to close the windows.

Nonetheless, the honking still continued.

If she refused to meet him, he wouldn’t leave.

Meng Ting went back to her room and closed the door. Finally, the sound was softer.

Meng Ting was organising her performance attire. Since she decided to dance and play the piano again, this all could be put up to good use. Some were from 13,14 years old, and she couldn’t fit in them. Some could fit just right.

The honking stopped as if the owner had decided to give up too.

Meng Ting felt relieved.

During her past life, most of the time, Jiang Ren would look at her from a distance. However, in this life, he fell for her too soon. Her eyes haven’t fully recovered, he had already appeared in her life. Most of the time, in her past life, the group of guys would just walk past her.

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