The ballroom had been prepared beautifully and with exquisite food fit for royalty. My mother always knew how to please her guests and this time it was no exception. She had been going bonkers all day setting everything up and it turned out beautifully. Our guests where no simple people. Queen Marina was joining us with King Nicholas and their offspring: Prince Nikolai, Prince Bastian and the youngest one who was only teenager just now, Prince Marius. The King and Queen of Bellrose joined us with their daughter and future bride Princess Kallistê. The kingdom of Bellrose was known for their beautiful women and they said she was not the exception. Bellrose sat in the east while we sat in the west, the difference was Bellrose was a kingdom of its own, that was why Princess Kallistê was to marry the future king. Other members of the noble houses joined us too, as we celebrated this union. "Jirina, you look beautiful!" My mother approached me hugging me. "You will make the most wonderful bride", she cheered on. I smiled slightly to please her. "Oh, I know that look, with time, you'll see that love grows", she whispered into my ear. "What if he is awful, what if he is cruel and vicious?" I asked. "Then you'll send me a letter and I'll send for you immediately. No one will treat my child poorly" she said. And I knew she meant it. My mother with do just about anything for my sister Kijana and me. "Can I go to the garden for a little while, just only until its time for the feast?" I asked her. "Of course dear, just don't tear your dress" she nodded and I too.

I slipped to the gardens, tonight they where illuminated with fire torches and decorated with lanterns. It was a peaceful night, a quiet night. My last peaceful and quiet night. The stars sparkled in the sky and the faint sounds of crickets were heard all around. "A lady shouldn't be wondering about this late at night, alone, in the gardens", A voice startled me. "You should know there are guards near and I won't hesitate to scream. Not to mention I always carry a knife with me and I know very well how to use it" I mused without turning around. "I do not intend harm, my lady, just a mere observation", he replied. I turned around to get a view on who was the intruder of my last goodbye and my eyes fell upon something I have not yet seen before. In front of me, was the handsomest man I had ever seen on my life. His squared face with angled cheekbones was accompanied by a mop of ginger curls that fell right above his collarbone. He stood tall with a very shoulder centric look, broad shoulders and very tight, lean waist. His robes where made of royal blue silk, and around his waist rested his silver sword with specks of gold. Then I stared at his eyes, blue like the ocean but, I could have sworn that when he rested his foot to the side and the fire light illuminated his face, they turned almost a faint orange. "I've never seen you before" I cleared my throat, "is his lordship one of our keen guests tonight?" "Why would you assume I'm a lord?" His smile grew. "Your garments do not scream a normal, poor fellow to me." "Hmm. Yes, I'm a rather awaited one I'm sure", he answered taking a step towards me, "I wanted to enjoy some fresh air before having to withstand an arranged evening but, I found the gardens occupied by you, my lady." He stared at me with a serious look on his face. "Well, then forgive me, my lord, I thought I could enjoy my own gardens", I smirked back annoyed. "Huh, then you must be Lady Jirina of Mirellia", he stated surprised. "It is excellent that you catch on quickly but, I have yet to discover who is the man that interrupted my peaceful night walk?", I questioned him raising an eyebrow. "And for what exactly, should I reveal my identity?" He circled me like he was stalking a prey. "For one, it's the polite thing to do. And stop doing that", I growled. "Yes, polite. I beg your pardon my lady, but I'm not feeling polite tonight", he smirked stepping away a few feet from me. "Well, that doesn't surprise me" I muttered under my breath but, his instant laugh told me he listened. "I'll be on my way, if my presence disturbs you so much", he started making his way back. "Might as well give you a break for the evening" he smirked again. I was left alone in the gardens knowing absolutely nothing about the man but, what I did know was all his beauty was clouded by his insufferable attitude. I hated men like that. The ones that thought because everything was given to them, they deserved always that. And tonight there seemed to be a lot of men and women like that roaming around my house. The house I was forced to leave in just a few hours only to marry a guy like him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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