19. The Bill

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It was a busy day in New York City. Down in Herald Square, Finn and Mason were out shopping for food at a nearby grocery. Mason was pushing the cart and Finn was grabbing stuff while sitting in it.

"Carrots," Mason said, reading from the list.

"Carrots." Finn grabbed a bundle of carrots and threw it in the cart.




"Dried potatoes."


"Stinky cheese."



When they were finished, they went to the cashier to have the groceries checked out. After the man rang up the items, he added up the total. "It's gonna be $54.35." Mason hands him $60 in twenties. The cashier opens the register to get change. While he was doing that, Finn noticed something sticking out from the side.

"Hey, what's that?"


"There's something sticking out. See?" Finn points to the edge. "What is that?"

"Yeah, I see it, too," said Mason.

"Oh, this." The cashier lifts up the cash tray to reveal a dollar bill. But it wasn't an ordinary dollar bill. "Why, this is a $2 bill."

"A $2 bill? Balcony," Finn scoffed.

"Trust me, son. This bill is as real as this loaf of bread. During the days of the Civil War in 1862, the $2 bill used to be part of our American currency until people stopped using them. Nowadays, you rarely see them, but that doesn't mean they're not being printed. Trouble is people keep hoarding them instead of spending them like real money."

Finn takes the bill and holds it in the light, checking it out. "So, you mean to tell me this bill is worth $2?"

"I bet they're still in circulation," said Mason.

"It's possible," the cashier added. He hands Mason the change and helps the boys bag the groceries.

"Thanks for sharing with us, sir. Hopefully, someone will spend another one at this store."

"The pleasure's mine. Tell you what: how 'bout you keep it? Spend it at another store and make some lucky cashier's day." The man hands Mason his change and the bill.

"Thanks. Check it out, Finn. A $2 bill. Wait until the guys get a kick out of this."

"Enjoy the rest of your day, boys." The cashier resumes his job as Finn and Mason leave the store. They loaded the bags in the Viper and drove back to the hotel. Meanwhile, the boys were doing homework when Mason and Finn came through the door.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey, Mason," greeted Dylan.

"Hey." Both Brian and Dylan went over to help unpack groceries.

"You guys will never guess what we got," said Mason.

Brian asked. "Soy milk?" The boys just stared at him. "Cow milk makes my stomach flop sometimes."

Dylan asked. "What did you get, Mason?"

"A $2 bill."

Dylan just chuckled. "That's it? Only two measly dollars for change?"

"Not two dollars, Dylan. A cashier gave us a dollar bill that's worth two dollars."

The boys were confused. Sam was the first to ask: "You guys sure you went to the grocery store?"

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