11. [❤️Valentine's Day Special❤️] Love at First Height

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It was another peaceful night in New York City. Or was it? At the Crowne Royale Hotel, Dylan walks into the kitchen and grabs a glass out of the cupboard. Then, he opened the refrigerator and grabbed a carton of grape juice. As he was pouring, he heard a creak from the bathroom and then silence. He put the carton back and walked to the living room with his cup, and sat down. He picked up the remote and was about to turn the tv on when he noticed something in the reflection.

Suddenly, he heard a cocking sound of a wrist gun, causing him to throw his drink in the air and ducked as a wrist gun was being fired. After catching the juice in his glass, he rose up to find Xenna flipping over the couch. Soon, they were exchanging punches. At the same time, Dylan was keeping the juice from spilling on the carpet. He sat the glass on the table and proceeds to leg sweep her. Dylan picked up his juice, but not before Finn and Lexi appeared. He sat the beverage on the tv stand to handle them.

First, Dylan grabbed Finn's arm and flipped him. Then, he took on Lexi. While the two were fighting, Finn rose up and attempted to attack Dylan again, but Dylan dodged Lexi's punch, making her punch Finn instead. When Finn was down, Dylan kicked Lexi down. Suddenly, Mason appeared and managed to put up a fair fight with him. They exchange punches until Mason punches him squarely in the face. It made Dylan stumble back to where Finn grabs him and flips him over their couch.

Xenna puts Dylan in a headlock, forcing him to butt her with the back of his head. He pried her arms off and threw her against Lexi and Finn. Mason then pulls off his own leg sweep against Dylan. Before he could finish him off, Dylan grabbed his arm and flipped Mason over. He held him down with his knee and paused for a few seconds before he could throw a punch.

"Nice work." Dylan helps Mason up while Xenna helps Finn and Lexi. Exhausted, the teens sat on the couch while Finn walked to the kitchen and grabbed a few water bottles.

"Excellent training, you guys." Dylan applauded. "If Chief Walter was here, he'd be very impressed by how far you've come."

"Well, we do learn from the best," said Mason, high-fiving him. Suddenly, Dylan noticed something wrong.

"Hey, where's Brian?"

"Still on his computer with Malia," Xenna replied.


"Whoa. Whoa, wait a minute. Who's Malia?" asked Finn.

"Some girl Brian's been talking to," Xenna explained. "They used to go to school together until he joined the agency. One day, Brian saw her account on social media and decided to follow her. Now, they talk nonstop. They're, like, inseparable."

"Has Brian thought about visiting her?" asked Lexi.

"I don't know, but it would be cool if he did. Have him visit Malia, and they hook up. I think it'll be cute."

Brian comes out of the bedroom to join the teens. "Hey, guys! Sorry I missed training, but guess what?"


"What's up?"

"I just got off FaceTime with Malia. She told me that she bought a plane ticket yesterday and she's flying out to New York tonight!"


"Yeah. She's arriving tomorrow."

"Sweet. You get to see your old friend again."

"I know. I'm so excited. I haven't seen her since I joined the APSPA. I gotta go pick out an outfit. I can't meet Malia while looking like I just got through with a mission." Brian turns on his watch. "MIRV, meet me at the main doors. I'll be at Herald Square, you guys." He runs out the door.

Miller South Teens: The Series Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now