14. The Prankster

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It was a beautiful morning in New York City. At the Crowne Royale Hotel, Mason walked into the bedroom to brush his teeth. He opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste. He closed the cabinet to find that a mustache, goatee, and eyebrows were written on the mirror, giving him a funny face. Meanwhile, Finn went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the self. Then, he went into the refrigerator to get the orange juice. He began to pour, but nothing was coming out. He shook and tried to pat it out and a single drop fell into the glass. He opened the carton and a frozen block of OJ slipped out and landed on the counter.

At noon, Lexi and Xenna were on their way to go shopping. They climbed into the Viper and started the car up. They began to drive when they heard a weird noise and felt themselves slowing down. The girls got out and saw that the tires had came off. They looked at each other, confused. Back inside, the boys decided to spend the afternoon swimming in the pool. Brian was the first to dive into water. Suddenly, the boys heard a loud thud and went to look. Turns out, the water was missing from the pool and Brian hit his head on the pavement. Later on, Ralph was reading the paper when the teens came up to him.

"Hey, Ralph," said Mason.

"Mason," Ralph greeted. "What can I do for you guys?"

"Ralph, we have a concern," said Mason.

"Have you noticed something weird going on in the hotel?" Finn asked.

"Not recently. Why?"

"There's someone out here playing pranks on us," Lexi explained. "Earlier, someone messed with the Viper."

"Yeah, and when we went to the pool, the water was gone," Brian added.

"Weird. Tell you what: I will check out the cameras right now and get back to you when I catch this prankster." Ralph went to his office to review the cameras. Suddenly, there was a sudden boom that startled the teens. They ran into the office and were shocked to find the whole room and Ralph covered in baking powder. Ralph coughed and muttered: "By right now...I meant in a few hours."

Later on, the teens were back in their suite, discussing what was going on.

"I don't get it," said Mason. "Why would someone go around this hotel and pull pranks on us?"

"I feel like this has Sam written all over it," said Lexi.

"Nah. Sam's in Akron, visiting his grandparents," Finn replies.

"Well then, who else besides Sam would be pranking us?" The teens heard a knock at the door.

"I got it," said Mason.

"Wait, bro." Finn stops him. "It might be another prank."

"Here. I'll get it." Lexi walks over and opens the door...only to find no one there. She looked down and saw a plate of cookies with a note attached.

"What is it?" asked Mason.

"Nothing. Someone just left this."

"Cookies?" Mason noticed the note on top and read it. " "Peanut butter cookies for the Teens." It doesn't say who's it ?"

"Who cares? We got free cookies." Finn takes the plate and begins to eat a cookie.

"Well, I'm not gonna eat one," said Lexi. "They're probably poisonous."

"Oh well. More for us," Finn replies while eating the cookie.

Xenna picked up a cookie and examined it. "Don't you guys think it's a little weird for someone to send us cookies and not show up at the door?"

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