Interview: VectorSigma

Start from the beginning

13. How did you find out about Warriors and what made you love the series?

As stated previous, @KittyCatMewMew101 got me into the series. I'll explain it to you in chat form...

Kitty: Hey, Vec, you gotta read this series! *holds up a Warriors book*

Me: Nah...I'm good.

*3 years and many nagging later*

Kitty: This book is awesome! *reads The Fourth Apprentice, which has just come out*

Me: *intrigued* You know what? I'll finally start reading that series. *goes to the nearest bookstore with parents and buys Midnight*

~The Next Day~

Me: Kitty, I don't understand this book! Whose Firestar and Tigerstar? Why the heck is Squirrelpaw so obnoxious? Why does she argue with Brambleclaw a lot? I DON'T UNDERSTAND A THING!!

Kitty: Vec...that's the wrong book.

Me: Huh? But I has #1 on it!

Kitty: Of the second series! The first book is called Into the Wild.

Me: Oh...

And that's how I got into Warriors! I went to the nearest store and bought the first book and I haven't stopped since! I guess what I like about the series is not about that they're about cats, but that they are so relatable! We feel for them and share their emotions. If you've made your readers constantly debate over the goodness of certain characters or cry when someone dies or send rage letters about a certain stupid cat, then you've done a great job creating them!

14. What is your favorite scene from Warriors? Describe it!

Oooh! It has to be after the great battle towards the end of The First Battle of the Dawn of the Clans series! I love the part when Clear Sky finally sees the wrongness of his actions and Storm finally slaps some sense into his brain. It was a really powerful moment, but it was heartbreaking to see the mighty Clear Sky crumble to his paws after he's seen what he's done.

15. Who is your favorite character from warriors and why are they your favorite? Who is your least favorite? Why?

Crookedstar is my favorite, mostly because we're relatable. Our parents are separate and it really hurt both of us. We were constantly judged for what we look like and we've somehow overpassed it, but we both know that the journey's not over yet. Bramblestar comes into a close second, though.

16. What would your warrior name be and why?

I honestly don't have any idea! Any suggestions?

17. What inspired your fanfictions? What fandoms do you usually write for? Tell us about your fandoms.

Many things! Mostly real life events. Back when my parents first separated, I didn't want to "journal" my thoughts down like many people suggested, but I knew I had to get my feelings out. I, unintentionally, decided to write my feelings into my characters and my stories. They were my "journals". The Forbidden is about secrets when I felt like no one would tell my anything about my future with my family, and The Oracle deals with change when I didn't want to face change. I can't say about the novels I'm currently writing, but perhaps I'll look back one day and realize that I did put something from my mind into them.

18. How many people do you know in real life that read Warriors?

Like 4. And they don't live anywhere near me, let alone go to my school. TTATT

19. What is your favorite Wattpad fanfiction? Who is the author? Fandom?

I don't know for the first two, but the fandom would be Warriors. :3 There are some others, but that's the main one!

20. What are some other books you've read, (not from Wattpad)?

Far too many. Here's a few that I would definitely recommend:

Warriors series

Seekers series

Transformers series (by Alex Irvine)


Wolves of the Beyond series

Flowers for Algernon


The Hobbit or There and Back Again

And Then There Were None

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Hunger Games series

The Fault in Our Stars

Band of Brothers

The Familiars series

Half Brother

The Heir Chronicles series

The Giver

Wait Till Helen Comes

21. Tell us something special about yourself.

Uh...I'm lactose intolerant? And most people think I'm a guy...not sure why...whatever. XD

22. Are there any other websites that you frequent besides Wattpad? Tell us if you have an account there!

I live on deviantART and Youtube besides Wattpad, and sometimes, but mostly YouTube. Team Ianite all the way!

And thanks to all those who've read my stories! Your nice comments have really made my day! :D

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