Contest Entree: XxSapphire5xX

254 16 14

Hello kitties! I'd just like to remind you that you can only vote for one entry in a contest. So whichever story you like best, give it a vote! Then we'll know which one was your favorite, and will rank the contests accordingly.

Thanks for your cooperation!


Theme: Write Flametail's Death scene in Flametail's POV

"Come on, it'll be fun!"

I eyed the ice uncertainly. Dawnpelt was looking at me with a pleading expression on her face. A group of cats were sliding around on the frozen lake, Dawnpelt included.


"Oh, what are you so afraid of? It's frozen over. Perfectly safe." Dawnpelt whines.

"Oh, fine." I step onto the frozen lake and a shiver emanates through my body. The ice was freezing cold, colder than anything I'd felt before.

Dawnpelt looked at me expectantly. "Well? Are you coming?" She asks. Then, she slides across the ice towards where Olivenose and Starlingwing are standing.

I nod and tried to glide across the ice like Dawnpelt had. I slide towards them, but when I try to stop, I can't. I end up sliding over near some ThunderClan cats are standing.

I turn around to where Dawnpelt is laughing at me. I try to head over to her again, but I slip and fall on the ice. My pelt burns with embarrassment as I try to stand up.


I freeze, my heart pounding. The ice beneath my feet split in two. I hear a shout and see a cat sliding towards me.


Jayfeather skidded to a halt near the first crack in the ice. A few more cats are sliding our way, but not very many people have noticed.

"Jayfeather..." I whisper, my eyes wide with fear.


I didn't hear the rest of what he said. The ice collapsed beneath my feet and I plunge into the freezing cold water.

As soon as the cold water touches my fur, I forget all of my training, frozen under the ice in a state of shock.

I see a silver paw reaching into the water, and my body spasms as I am hit by a simple concept: If I didn't swim, I would die.

I flounder helplessly in the water, trying to reach Jayfeather's paw. I hook my claws into his paw, but I begin sinking again after a few seconds.

My attempts to reach the surface become frenzied as panic sets in. My lungs are bursting, and I see Jayfeather's face.

The look on his face was of horror, and grief. I thought I saw a cat next to him, but I must have been hallucinating, because a second later it was just him again.

His eyes are filled with regret as he withdraws his paw. A torrent of emotions courses through me, and I reach one paw up one last time as I sink into the depths.

I close my eyes and am met by a flash of memories. My whole life plays before my eyes in a matter of seconds.





My lungs are bursting, begging me to just let go.




I feel tears in my eyes, and I open them to see darkness. A small light illuminates the corner of my vision, where I know the hole is.








I shut my eyes once more and know that it is far too late.


I let go.

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