He hasn't noticed her, too busy brewing some coffee with two plates of toast and eggs. He's even got Leo's food and water out. The cat pushes past with no hesitance, ready to indulge.

"We need to install a cat door if your keeping him. I'll do it later today," he mutters roughly, turning around and stopping in action when seeing her. His eyes don't lift to hers, noticing her attire.

She doesn't know what to do.

"Are you going to eat?" his back is turned to her again, rummaging in the cupboard.

"I can't. I'm running late," is all she says, watching him pour her mug into a takeaway cup, closing the top off. He pushes it to the end of the marble counter. She skips towards it, grabbing the cup.

"I'm sorry," is all he says when she turns to leave. She sighs with no response, knowing it was an apology for the incidence regarding her face.

She's out of the door within seconds, bag and coffee cup in her hand, speed walking. The incident is brushed off – she couldn't think about it. She couldn't be late.

Nova practically runs to the location point, downing the coffee as she does so. It's thrown into a bin when she arrives, a little breathless but somewhat still put together. She's just about made it, the same security guy that picked her up last time now coming into view.

It's a brief exchange and they set off together.

She's not taken to Sonya's office this time as expected, though her bag is taken from her. She keeps her phone in her pinafore's pocket in case she needed it. Instead, this time Sonya meets her in the courtyard, as soon as the car is pulled in.

"Mon cherie," it's a hard hug that Nova's pulled into and an enthusiastic greeting. Nova had forgotten about this; the woman not one to shy away from physical contact.

"Look at you. A gorgeous pumpkin. Come come," pulling her by the hand before she can say anything, into the main entrance of the mansion.

"How have you been? It's been so long," the woman squeals, the dress that is loose on her flowing with her movements.

"It's been a week. I've been oka-," Nova's interrupted again, but it doesn't annoy her, Sonya's enthusiastic nature only bringing a curve to her lips.

"That's amazing darling, I'm truly glad for you. Oh, how I've missed you. Your designs are absolutely beautiful, I love every aspect of them. I can't find any faults apart from two tweaks, but we'll discuss that after breakfast. Pleasure first, am I right?" she gives her a bright smile. 

Nova doesn't know how to respond, but it doesn't matter. Sonya can carry a one-sided conversation just fine.

"I do hope you're hungry, you must eat loads, okay? I want a full plate emptied," it's murmured in a motherly way.

Nova's heart lurches with the idea of a breakfast, dimly wondering what the atmosphere would be like, how many people there would be, and how awkward she'd be.

She has to hold back a groan, unable to comprehend anything because they're already in the dining room.

It's a large room that's naturally brightened with the sun streaming in from the wall that's made from huge panes of glass. It's a long table in the middle, with about a dozen different people sitting, all seemingly important, including Sonya's husband. They must be people who work with them or for them, either way all having some power hand at play.

Nova grows nervous, feeling a mere mortal among gods.

Her heart spikes, body stopping in movement with ashen eyes.

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