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Well fuck- I somehow got stuck taking care of a hamster that isn't even mine, it's Tanaka's hamster, I'm sure of it, I mean who else just carries hamsters with them? The round little ball of fluff was in my beanie as I sat on my couch letting the hamster sleep as I thought about everything I knew about hamsters and things Tanaka did to take care of them.

Tanaka POV
Oh heavens, why in all nine hells has this happened, my beloved deva, Maga-g is missing and I haven't found them in over 4 hours oh gods why is this happening!? It's cracking my frame as an overlord.

3rd person POV
Kazuichi found some seeds from his garage and fed some to the hamster as it awoken "what a cutie" Kazuichi smiled at the small creature that shuffled around his hand, afterward he found a box, tall enough so the hamster couldn't escape, but wide enough so the hamster could run around. Kazuichi put food and some water in there and hoped it would suffice for the night. Kaz felt bad, he knew how much Gundhams hamsters meant to him, he couldn't even begin to imagine how stressed he must be and with that the day ended before he knew it.

Friday morning

Gundhams eyes lazily opened as his blaring alarm rang in his ears, usually he'd get up, shut it off and get ready but he barely got any sleep, due to the overwhelming stress. They reluctantly got ready for school and left, hoping that maybe, just maybe someone found Maga-g and would return them.

3rd person
As Kaz got ready for the day he wondered what exactly he'd say to Gundham, when he would give it to him, stuff like that, he wondered if Gundham would even believe that he found it himself, he was reasonably nervous due to them not being too fond of eachother. Kaz and Gundham had made up for all the Sonia stuff, but never really spoken since but Kaz got through the morning, put Maga-g into his beanie and headed to school.
Kaz nervously entered the school, dreading having to talk to his former rival but alas he walked through the door into class. The day went normally except for kazuichi not being able to focus on anything other then returning the hamster and making sure it was still in his beanie. At the last class of the day, which he shared with Gundham he made it a point to give it to him then. The dismissal bell rang and everyone started packing up to go home including Kaz, whose anxiety was through the roof. Kaz sighed as he got up and got out of the classroom looking around attempting to find that animal-loving edgelord,and caught a glimpse of a familiar purple scarf and followed it around the corner. "Hey Gundham! Wait up!!" Tanaka turned around seemingly about to open a door. "What is it kazuichi?" Gundham said bitterly, he seemed sort of irritated. "Uhm..I found your hamster yesterday and-" As kazuichi revealed the hamster he was cut off from his sentence as Gundham gasped and swiped Maga-g from him. Gundham began sliently whispering to the little critter, very relieved he was found and returned. "Ahem, excuse me, uhm Thank you very much for returning my deva back to me....if I can ever repay you please let me know." Gundham said wringing his hand, he sounded like he wanted to say more but simply opened the door to the classroom and left kazuichi standing there. "Bye.." Kazuichi said as he walked away, smiling a little.
anyway hopefully you liked the new chapter have a nice day :)
Sorry for any grammar errors I didn't check it


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