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3rd person POV

Kazuichi cried out, the door apparently locked shut automatically,Kazuichi banged on the door repeatedly and kept on clattering,before they realized that the whole school had to do an assembly, therefore nobody was gonna save him till next period"Fuck..." Kazuichi turned around and pressed his back against the door, falling to the ground comfortably he sat there just waiting.

Gundham POV
Unfortunately we had to do a tiringly long assembly, and if I'm being completely honest I almost fell into a state of slumber, fortunately it ended before that could happen and I went on my way, i peeked into my scarf to see Champ-p, Sun-D and and Jump-p in there, but I was startled when I saw there was no sign of Maga-g. Naturally I started panicking and I realized they probably crawled out of my scarf because I spilled some seeds and didn't bother to pick them up and I guess they took advantage.

Kazuichi POV
I sat there, tired and hungry so took the bag I packed that morning and ate it, it was just bread, but better than nothing. I could hear distant but audible talking sounds drawing closer sounding like students and then my dumbass finally recognized it as Mahiru and Saionji. I knew they were probably gonna go past the door so might as well just..wait

"So..erm Mahiru, Do you happen to like girls?..Agh! D-dont take that the wrong way stupid!, Just tell me already!"

Wow Saionji, smooth. I'd feel bad to interrupt their convo so I plopped back down against the door. About 10 minutes later I heard a weird squeaky noise, I looked down and there was the cause of the sound, a small, brownish-grey hamster. I stared at the hamster taking in that there was another living creature in the room and calmly attempted to pick it up. Surprisingly it didn't bite just as I took the hamster in my hands I heard clattering from the door I was sitting in front of,somebody was unlocking it!, Unfortunately for me though since I was leaning against the door i fell backwards, students passing by glanced as the teacher stared in shock, the room was supposed to be empty "Now what the hell were you doing in there young lady?!" "I-i uh- I'm not a lady-" "Your coming with me" Great. The teacher assumes shit.
The teacher aggressively grabbed my arm and dragged me to who knows where, the bell had already rung by the time she stopped to talk to a teacher "Oh yes yes, this young lady was in a classroom unattended so I-- "Ma'am what young lady?" "Huh?-HEY!" The teacher saw me speeding down the hall, I mean it was her fault she let her guard down, what else was I supposed to do? Let her take me? Over my dead body, I simply ran to the boys bathroom, I'd rather skip class if I'm honest.

Gundham POV
I haven't Maga-g all day and I'm getting worried,alot of indescribable things raced upon my thoughts. Ok so they'd probably be given to me if found, I mean who'd ignore such a powerful creature? Hopefully Maga-G will be safe and protect themselves if endangered

Kazuichi POV
Schools finally out, jeez what a morning I had I was walking home with Ibuki, they were basically screaming about her practices, she's usually loud and energetic so im used to it, so is everyone else that knows her, By now we were far from the school, Suddenly Ibukis screaming stopped "Kazuichi? What is that?" "Hm?" Ibuki pointed towards my beanie, I took it off because I too felt something strange, when I took it off there was the hamster that encountered earlier "Oh there you are!" "Huh ? Whaddya mean?, Ain't that Tanaka's hamster?" "Now that I think about it..yeah, I encountered it when I got stuck in the classroom today-" I said as I scooped up the hamster "You got stuck in the classroom?! You didn't tell ibuki!! How did it happen? What happened? Tell tell!!" "Jeez Ibuki, basically I was having trouble packing up my stuff and the teacher left before I could and the door locked automatically and I think you can picture what happens next" "That must have sucked" "Eh not really got to skip class I guess" "So what're gonna do about the hamster?" Wow didn't think that far ahead we both knew giving it back today wasn't an option because Gundham stayed after school for his animal club and we were far from the school building " Well you could just take care of it until tomorrow" Well that isn't too bad of an idea

Helo there that's the end of this chapter sorry if it took too long I'm a very slow writer, hopefully you enjoyed!

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