I laugh at Dexter's reaction. "I'm not pregnant."

"Mhm," Georgia hums skeptically. "That's boring." She then turns to the kid next to her and starts yapping away.

Rolling my eyes, I turn to look at Dexter once again. "You know, I think that was the most emotion you've shown since the smiling incident."

"Whatever," he says casually.

He's just so cool.


It isn't until the very end of the day that I see Asher Westfield. Though after answering question after question in every class, he never truly left my mind.

As I'm walking to my car in the lot, I spot him by his own beat up truck next to mine. Another mystery: why would a boy in a rich family drive a pick-up truck that looks like it has been brutally attacked by bears?

"Sup." He nods his blonde head of hair cooly as he leans against the side of his car.

Maybe it was the way he looked in those skinny jeans and that white shirt or maybe it was how I couldn't stop picturing our lips together and the way his tongue just grazed my lip, but I couldn't form any words. I just stared at him like he was a chocolate cupcake.

He smirks and pushes off the truck to walk over to my car and put his elbows on the hood. "You're a cute little thing, Green."

My eyes trail over his arm veins, which nearly cause me to drool right then and there. If only I was normal and could say something back. I glance around and see a few people staring at us. Oh jeez.

I was so confident at the beginning of the day. What happened? That's right. Asher Westfield and his stupid arm veins happened.

"Well," he breathes and drums his hands against my car, "I'll see you around."

Damn arm veins.

I nod my head and hurry to unlock my car, jumping in and letting out an uneasy breath. That was horrible. I'm quick to pull out my phone and call Sam.

"What's the sitch?"

"We just talked. Well, he just talked..but to me. Me! He leaned on my car..my car. His beautiful arm veins..oh those arm-"

"Riley! Slow down!" There's a loud screeching noise. "Not you, Zander!"

I laugh. "Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine," Sam huffs. "Now, tell me slowly what happened."

"Okay. Well, I was going to my car when I saw Asher. He was standing right next to my car and he just looked so hot."

"He's so hot."

"Sam," Zander whines.

"Shut up and drive!" Sam demands her boyfriend. "Riley, continue."

"Okay. Well, because of his complete and utter hotness, I couldn't speak! No words came out!"

"Oh dear.."

"Where?" Zander screams. I hear that same screeching noise from before.

"Zander!" Sam hisses.

"Sorry!" he apologizes bashfully. "I'll let Riley continue."

I laugh, glancing around the school parking lot once more. "Well, he said I was a cute little thing and-"

"Shut up!" Sam gasps.

"I didn't say anythin-"

"Zander, I'm going to slap you!"

"Sam, I love you."

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