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Yuki was still wondering why he didn't transform after y/n hugged him. But he was also worried about her safety. He didn't know how Akito would react about the two girls finding out about the secret.

Would akito lash out and hurt someone? Would he hurt Ms honda, Or l/n? He also wondered what akito would do when he found out that when y/n hugs him he doesn't transform. what would he do if he found out.

Yuki and y/n went down stairs to see shigure taunting kyo about tohru sneaking up on him.

( okay i know that yuki was down stairs when they were explaining but, i made it clear that he was in his room.)

" calm yourself" yuki and y/n said at the same time.

Kyo was mad about the fact that there were girls in the house.

"You have absolutely no say in who we allow to come into the house, " Yuki said to Kyo, who was fuming with anger. " your an outsider" The words hit kyo like a truck.

After yuki said that kyo ended up taking his anger out on the table. He hit it so hard that it broke in half. Unfortunately for tohru the table hit her head causing blood to drip out.

"oh no." he mumbled to himself after he saw the cut on tohrus head.

"Is that..uh..blood!" Shigure said worried.

" Huh i'm bleeding!"tohru says frantically. she held her hands up on the cut and started freaking out.

After that happened Yuki slapped kyo, while y/n decided to help tohru with her cut. After she went upstairs to get ready for school.

She was still amazed at what happened to the boys. She was wondering why this was happening to them. It seemed like it would have been horrible to have it. So why aren't they showing their missoury. It's pretty obvious to y/n that something happened to them, having to do with the zodiac curse, but why aren't they reaching out for help?

Y/n didn't even realise how hypocritical her thoughts were. She was wondering why they weren't asking for help, when she needs it too.

Y/n thinks that if she told people about what happened and reached out for help, they would treat her like she was an outcast. She isn't scared of it, she just doesn't know what will happen to her feelings if it does. She doesn't understand feelings or how to read them so she wont know how she will react.

She heard a loud noise down stairs so she went to go check it out. She walked down the stairs and into the living room to see a door broken and a kyo in the pond.

"What happened here?" y/n asks as she goes and stands next yuki.

" We fought, and I threw him through the doors and into the pond." yuki says calmly.

"You can fight sohma?" y/n asks

" of course I can~" yuki says teasingly with a smirk plastered on his femine face.

Shigure kept ranting on and on about how they trash the house while tohru sweat dropped at their childish behaviour. Y/n went over to tohru to get a closer look at her bandaged forehead.

" how badly are you hurt?" y/n asks her while tohru starts shaking her arms around.

" Oh no i'm totally fine really, don't worry it was just a little bump." She then looks out to the pond to see Kyo is still underwater. " But is he?" she asks, looking at yuki and motioning to the pond where kyo is.

" Probably" yuki said while walking over to y/n." l/n can we talk for a moment?" yuki asks in a hush voice.

Y/n nodded her head and went with yuki up the stairs and in his room. Y/n was confused at first about why he wanted to talk to her but, she got the metto when he hugged her.

" hey sohma are you okay?" y/n asks yuki while he buries his face in her shoulder.

Y/n slowly hugs him back. She rubs his back until he lifts his head up to say something to the flabbergasted girl he was hugging.

" Thank you l/n" he said softly.

" For what?" she asks

"For what you said earlier. When I was in rat form, my old friends were scared of me and ran away. They had to get their memories erased, so thank you for what you did and said." yuki says while he buries his face in her shoulder once more.

" I meant it sohma." She said to the zodiac member. " we need to go, we have school."

"You just had to ruin the moment huh l/n." he said while getting out of the embrace

" it's my specialty.~" y/n said with a wink and salute.

She didn't understand how much her words actually meant for the zodiac member. At first when he heard her say that, he thought she was just taking pity on him. But the expression that was painted on her face said the opposite. It was one of the first times he felt truly happy about the zodiac curse.

He was also happy about her.


this is sp1nxzz here. I wanted to let you all know that i am re writting most of the chapters. so some might be different than before if you have already read the book.

If you re read the book please give me feedback about it.


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