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3rd pov

She was walking around the school trying to waste time, she didn't want to go to the meeting. She knew the student council president would just fawn over her the whole time. It was annoying.

She felt she was being followed so she stopped and looked over her shoulder. She just saw a random boy and girl of whom she didn't know.

"yes?" Y/n looked at their flustered faces.

"H-hi l/n I wanted to know if I could t-talk to you?" the girl said. She seemed nervous, as if y/n was so unapproachable that people get nervous when trying to speak to the girl.

" of course just make it quick" Y/n says while starting to walk to a spot for her and the girl to talk.

The girls name was Kyoomi , Kyoomi Kai. She is y/n's upperclassmen. But she always admired how y/n would be able to keep her composure during school.

About a week ago kyoomi got back from a suspension. She was frustrated enough with the huge amount of work one of the teachers assigned. But she got suspended because she snapped. She just snapped.

The teacher was talking to kyoomi about a bunch of random things, one of which was something personal. 

" I wanted to- um.. I wanted to tell you thanks" kyoomi said after months of wanting too.

" for.?" y/n was confused. She didn't think she ever did anything for this girl too say thank you too her.

" Its because you help me try and get through the day without breaking down. " Kai was feeling a little more confident right now than before.

" Your welcome? I'm glad too see I have made an impact on people?" Y?n said a little bit hesitant.

Kai nodded and walked away with her friend.

' that was a little weird? I didn't even get her name?' She thought before making her way over to the student council room.

[a/n- kyoomi kai will have a big part later on in the story, shes not just a random oc i made.]


When she walked into the student council room she was met with the president and his 2 goons and... the prince.

She was about to walk out of that room and go home but she did say she would meet with the president.

" let's get this over with what do you want?" She asked him.

" Well I would like it If you and Sohma would consider being president and vice president after I leave this school."

"No" she stated quickly. She already knew this was going to happen.

" Please reconsider. I feel you two would be the best students to consider for these spots on the student council next year." He said with a glittery aura around him.

" President I have to agree with l/n. I thank you for this offer but I will have to decline for the time being." Sohma said with a fake smile.

" okay but be expecting for me to ask you closer to graduation." he said with a sigh.

" will do" y/n said while doing a lazy salute walking out.

She walked out of the student council room with a scowl. She knew the reason he wanted them to be the new president and vice president. He wanted both of them to because of their titles at this school. She felt disgusted at him.

" l/n can we talk?" She heard a voice behind me. The voice was all too familiar. It was him.

She decided it would be better If She just continued walking because she doesn't know what She would have said if She agreed to talk to him.

She felt a hand on my shoulder so she stopped walking.

" what" she said without even looking at him.

" we need to choose a time to work on the project" He said, he honestly didn't want to bother the h/c haired girl. He already knew that she didn't like him very much.

" we can work on Saturday" she said sluggishly. She was still very annoyed with the president about the offer. Mostly because of the fact he wanted her to work with yuki.

"okay that works for me." yuki said.

"Then it's settled, i have to go so can you let go of me." y/n looked over to her shoulder, which yuki's hand was still on.

He took of his hand and started thinking about something. She started walking away, but she stopped in her tracks and turned around.

" you should try smiling for real instead of the empty one you put up for everyone else." With that she walked away.

"You should smile more! It makes you look beautiful!!" A familiar but non familiar voice said to the h/c haired girl.


"Who are you?" She ask the person

" Who else could it be?" The voice asks innocently.

" What do you mean?" y/n was confused, how did she know this person.

"Don't you remember me?" The voice asked again.

" I don't " She state firmly.

" oh well. You will remember soon enough" The voice said with a sigh.

" what do you mean soon enough?"

" hello" She asks.

She woke up. Sweat covering her face. she was breathing hard. 'What was going on? And who was the voice talking to me?' she thought.

She knew the voice sounded familiar but she couldn't pin point who it was exactly. She was also very confused about what the voice meant by ' you will remember soon enough'. Remember what exactly, who they are or how she knows them.

'whatever.' she thought. She wondered what time it was so she looked over at her alarm clock. The clock was blocked by random things on her night stand so she had to sit up to remove them. '12:46 am' the clock read.

"what the hell?" she was confused, she must of fallen asleep for 30 minuets or so.

She was working on a sketch. Random times at night y/n would end up with a bunch of motivation to draw things.

"i guess i should finish this drawing then." she said to herself with a small yawn. That was the most amount of sleep she had gotten that week. Well it was actually the only sleep she had gotten so far.

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