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Y/n didn't have much of an appetite most days because she would forget to buy food. So she would not take care of herself that much. She was a person who would take advantage of someone's kindness.

What I mean is that she would say yes to anyone trying to give her something unless she doesn't like or need the food or item.

Ever since her and yuki became friends she spent most of her time at the sohma residence. So she started to always eat with them and forgot to buy groceries most of the time.

After yuki and y/n walked tohru to where she works they went back to yuki's house to finish the project. That was due the next day. She decided to stay over again because she was feeling lazy today.

" Sohma" y/n called out to him.

" yes?" Yuki answered.

"I'm staying over again" She said before going back to what she was doing.

Yuki seemed to notice that she would always have her face in a book, or she would be showing off her skills at skateboarding. She would always be doing something, it was like she was trying to avoid just being in each other's company. She was starting to understand what comfort was but not completely. Which is why she would always be doing something.

"alright" They continued to the house.

"So why do you think tohru was here. I mean just her saying that she stopped by on her way makes no sense. I mean didn't you say that the sohmas owned all the land around here." y/n wondered curiously.

"yeah you're right it doesn't make sense." he said, he didn't know why she would say that.

"Maybe she lied?" y/n questioned, i mean it could be a possibility.

" Maybe,but from what I've seen tohru does not lie to people." Sohma had his hand on his chin thinking about why she was at his house this morning.

"Oh look, we're here." Y/n started walking up to the house.

"Hm?" Yuki said, finally looking at where they were.

Y/n slammed open the door hoping to scare Shigure, which she did. It was like a new habit for her, go over to the sohmas, scare shigure senseless, maybe sleepover, then repeat. It was almost as if she were living with them, which of course she wasn't.

" Shigure~." She sang out seeing where he was. She and Shigure would communicate by talking al fancy. She didn't know why she went along with it but she finds it entertaining.

" Im hereee~" He sang back from his room. He walked out in his writing glasses. He pushed them up trying to look more professional.

"What are we having for dinner?" Y/n asked while walking to the living room. " I mean i'm not that hungry but i wanna know to see if it will peak my interest." y/n said while turning on the tv.

"Okay um we are having.....Miso?" shigure said as if he was asking a question.

" okay." She said finally finding a channel to watch tv.

Yuki was still around the corner near the stairs. He was admiring how she could say things so easily unlike him. But in reality he didn't know how hard it was for her to say her emotions. or talk about her problems.

She couldn't just put them into sentences like she could when she was talking to normal people.

She just didn't understand. She doesn't understand most of what is going on through her head. It's like she has voices just lingering around in there telling her how to feel.

She was so dased in her thoughts she hadn't noticed shigure was calling for her.

She was unaware of this and kept looking onward and the blank tv. She felt a little hot and dizzy. She was still in thought so she didn't really notice it.

Instead of snapping out of her thoughts ,she ended up passing out. It turned out she had gotten a feaver from lack of sleep, even though she got a good amount of sleep the night before.

She didn't know what was happening with her, she couldn't tell if it was another feeling or what is was, so she couldn't tell anyone. She didn't understand.

The two men didn't know what to do with the girl. So they just brought out a futon and carefully placed her on it.

The carefully put an ice pack on her head to try to make the fever go down. Shigure and yuki decided they were going to go get food really quickly while she was sleeping. Maybe when she woke up eating would make her feel a bit better.

Little did they know they were going to have to take care of even more company.

𝙵𝚎𝚊𝚛 シ 𝚢.𝚜 Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora