Player x No-Visor--The Monster

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This was requested by @ZebraStream_Clan! Hope you enjoy!

Player's POV

"AAAAAAAH! Someone help! Anyone! HELP!"

I screamed, backing up against the locker room wall in Mira HQ. No-Visor slowly floated towards me, his blood-stained mouth widening at the sight of me. Whimpering, I closed my eyes tightly and braced myself for a burst of pain when No-Visor killed me. But it never came.

I opened my eyes, confused. No-Visor had vanished. "Where'd he go?" I asked aloud to no one in particular. I looked around, and sure enough, No-Visor was nowhere in sight. That was weird. Not to mention, creepy. "Um...anyone else alive around here?" I asked nervously, taking a few steps forward. I entered the hallway, and it was dead silent. "No one's around but me." I realized. "But wait, doesn't that mean that the game should end?"

No matter what I thought, the game definitely wasn't ending. Which meant I was... "I'm stuck here." I assimilated finally. I quickly tried leaving the game altogether, but gasped when I realized that there was no longer any 'Leave Game' option.

"I'm gonna be stuck here forever." I whispered to myself, hardly believing myself as I said those words.

I'm never going to see my family again. Or Veteran. Hell, even Captain.

I'm all alone. No one else is around.

All alone...

So alone...

"Uh, hello? Are you okay?"

A worried voice interrupted my thoughts. I blinked out of my thoughts and looked around, my eyes settling on a brown bean staring at me a few feet away. "Who are you?" I asked, surprised to see someone other than me still here in the game. "Aiden." The bean replied.

Aiden...That name sounds familiar for some reason...

"Are you okay?" Aiden asked, looking concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled. "I'm Player. And I'm kinda stuck here in this game. I don't suppose you know a way out...?"

Aiden shook his head. "Nope. I've been stuck here longer than you, I can assure you that, and there's no way out." "Great." I muttered, sinking to the floor in despair. "It's all thanks to that stupid No-Visor ghost, too..."

No-Visor's POV

That stupid No-Visor ghost...

Player's words cut through the air like a knife, and I gasped. "What?" Player asked, looking up from the floor. "Nothing." I mumbled. But it wasn't nothing. You see, I'm No-Visor, only I temporarily somehow managed to change into my actual self for a short period of time—hopefully enough time to convince Player that I'm not really all bad and that I would never kill him (maybe the others though), and to also help him escape. At least, that's the objective. Hopefully I won't change back into No-Visor right in front of him.


To be honest, I'm not really sure why I'm doing this. I guess it's because I feel like I have a connection with Player, and no one but Player. We both feel like no one really understands us fully, if you know what I mean. He's a good person, and to be honest, I kinda love him. Love talking to him, I mean.

"No-Visor?" I asked Player. "It's all his fault?" "Well, he trapped me here." Player snapped. "So yeah, it's kind of his fault." "What if he didn't mean to trap you here?" I pressed on. Player's brow furrowed. "Isn't that his whole point of being here? To haunt everyone?" He frowned. "I guess so." I sighed. "But I was just thinking that maybe there's more to him than we think. Maybe he doesn't feel half the stuff we think he feels."

Player shrugged. "I don't know. Honestly, I think he's just here to terrorize and kill everyone. He's a monster. A total crappy jerk." "Oh, really?!" I said angrily, unable to control my temper. I could feel my fingernails growing into claws as I leaned over Player threateningly. He shrank back quickly, and yelped, "What are you doing?! Besides, how would you know about No-Visor's real feelings?" "Because I am No-Visor." I growled. Screw the entire plan I came up with. Player needed a scare.

Player gasped as my legs disappeared and my suit turned a dark black. My hat and visor vanished as I shouted savagely, "You want a monster, Player? Well, here I am!"

Player screamed in fright and backed away from me. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" "You're not sorry!" I said sharply. "You meant what you said!" "I didn't know it was you who was talking to me!" Player yelled, his voice shaking. "Besides, I also didn't know that you actually had feelings!" "Well, now you do!" I said, throwing my clawed hands in the air in exasperation. "Okay, then!" Player was almost in tears. "Just go ahead and kill me already!" "I don't want to!" I shouted, rolling my eyes. "Why not?!" Player shrieked back, covering his face with his arms. "Because—because—because I like you!" I blurted out.

"What?" Player whimpered, grasping the courage to look up at me. "You're not like all the other people I've encountered." I said, more softly than before. "You're a really good person. I've been watching you every so often in game, and no matter how many times you lose, you always get back up again and try again. And you always look out for your friends, no matter how annoying they can be. To be honest, I wish I was like you. But I'm not. I'm just a ghost, cursed to haunt and kill everyone in this game. Sorry for that, by the way, for chasing you earlier. I was just trying to talk to you."

Player flushed at all the compliments I gave him, and lowered his arms. "Wow, uh...thanks. That's like the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me." "Well, they should say it more often." I mumbled, blushing slightly and hating myself for it. Player turned nearly as red as his suit, and said quietly, "Uh, No-Visor? For what it's worth, you're not really as bad as I thought. I mean, even if you are cursed to haunt and kill everyone in this game."

At his words, I did something I haven't done in a long time—years, even. I smiled. Genuinely too, not that creepy grin I give crewmates when they realize there's nowhere to run. I was honestly happy for the first time since I got transformed into No-Visor. And do you know what Player did when he saw me smile?

He smiled back.

Hope y'all enjoyed! Requests are back open, btw! (plz review the rules before requesting!)

Have a great morning/afternoon/night!

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