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This was requested by @TheCrazyTyto! They also came up with the basic plot for this one-shot, so give them credit.

This one's a little different from my other one-shots, because it's not a shipping one-shot. There are some references to ships, but there's no kissing or stuff like that. Anyways, enjoy!

Mr. Cheese's POV

"This is your captain speaking! We are now landing in Mira HQ—oh crap!!"

I winced as I heard a loud crash over the intercom. "Hope we land in one piece." Player muttered from next to me. At the moment, a bunch of us (including The Gentleman and I) were now landing in Mira HQ. We were all strapped into our seats on the skeld for the landing, except for Captain, who was flying the plane (and that probably hadn't been our best idea). Player, looking pale and terrified, whispered to me, "Have we landed yet?" I was about to respond when Captain came back on the intercom.

"Sorry for the crash, team! That was just my Don Dew! You know, gotta stay hydrated! Anyway, we're here!"

The skeld dipped towards the ground abruptly and landed with a loud thud. "Finally!" Player gasped out, and unbuckled his seatbelt with relief. He sprung out of his seat and ran over to Veteran, obviously very happy to be on firm ground. I chuckled at Player's antics, and glanced over The Gentleman to see how he had fared with the crazy ride. To my surprise, The Gentleman was speaking to his phone intently. I listened in curiously.

"Oh, really? How quaint...oh dear! That's horrible...yes, yes, of course...alright...yes, we've just landed, I'll come immediately... alright. Goodbye." The Gentleman let his phone drop in his lap absent-mindedly and sighed.

"Who was that?" I asked inquisitively. The Gentleman jumped, as if forgetting I was there. "Oh...Mr. Egg." He answered lightly. "He's getting over the flu, and a bad case at that! He's staying at Mira HQ right now, so I figured I'd visit him and try to make him feel better. Say...will you come with me?"

I made a face, disgusted. "No way. Mr. Egg can die of the flu for all I care." "Mr. Cheese!" The Gentleman was shocked. "That's a horrible thing to say!" "Meh." I shrugged. "Don't care." "Mr. Cheese..." The Gentleman exhaled, exasperated. "Please? I kind of don't want to go there alone because...well, you know. It's awkward."

I wavered for a moment. On one hand, I wanted to make The Gentleman happy, but on the other hand, I absolutely hated Mr. Egg. In the end, my loyalty to The Gentleman won out, like it always does. "Fine." I agreed reluctantly. "But let's not stay for long."


After unpacking and settling in, The Gentleman and I set off to see Mr. Egg. But Mr. Egg's room was on the very bottom of Mira HQ, and there was no elevator for quick traveling, so The Gentleman and I were forced to take the stairs. Then, after that, Mr. Egg's room was all the way at the end of the hallway, and of course, it was locked.

"Mr. Egg!" The Gentleman shouted, his voice echoing all around the empty hallway. "We're here!" "Hang on!" Mr. Egg's voice called from the other side of the door. He opened the door a minute later, and grinned weakly, his face pale. "Hi, The Gentleman." Mr. Egg's gaze flickered towards me. "Hi, Mr. Cheese." He offered me a smile.

"Why is he being so nice? He must be plotting something." I thought. "Something really evil." I glared at Mr. Egg, suspicious of whatever he was planning.

"Well, you're welcome to come in." Mr. Egg shrugged.

Sure, buddy. Whatever you say...

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