Felix and Jesse were below them, warring against the rock as they too wrestled against the unpredictable rock.

Jesse was good at this sort of hard labour but Felix was struggling and as such, she had chosen to stay behind to help him climb.

"My father, you see." Vante started, a grunt following after as he heaved himself up the mountain. "As I told you before, he took control of my mother's organization and turned into a profitable charity. I didn't have any objections to that. He was helping people, or so I thought."

"What do you mean so you thought?" Sintra winced, straining as she pulled herself up as well.

"He was using company donations for drug trafficking as well funding the selling of exotic animals as pets to rich creeps. Even after he past the company down to me and pulled me from my studies, he was still embezzling company funds to run his underground business."

Sintra was at a loss for words. She would have never imagined Wish4All was involved in illegal practices but now that Vante had disclosed this, it explained why so many millionaires and celebrities had been donating and supporting the organization.

Infact, Vante just disclosed some very serious information as a few government officials and superstars flashed through Sintra's mind. No wonder he didn't want to tell her. It was easier not knowing, especially for her— their competitor.

"He not only sullied my mother's life work and name but he brought trafficked drugs that destroy minority communities and illegally captured animals and sold them to freaks all over the world. Animals he knew his son was studying to help."

Sintra wished she could hug him, a frown forming on her mouth as she heard the pain in his voice.

"So you sold the company and took the money and invested it into Free the Kulture," Sintra said, pausing to look at him.

"I did. I've always admired you, Sintra. Your company was everything I thought mine had been and I wanted to be apart of that. I may have went a little overboard with the shareholding but it was just because I was ashamed. I may not have done anything but I felt like I had conned people out of their money. I wanted to feel apart of something good again."

"You wanted to be a hero," she smiled at him.

Shame ravaged her mind as she remembered the thoughts she had about him before they they were taken.

He really was genuine in his speeches and press conferences. Her initial judgement was the correct one. Vante Kim was a honest man that cared about helping people and he loved animals. He was never rotten to the core. Just hurt.

"You loved your job. You loved helping people. And you thought of me as your rival and that made me remember my encounter with that lion. You were like me, watching like the predator you thought I was and I was the lion, watching you in awe, hoping you could see that I meant you no harm."

"Vante—" Sintra said, her voice cracking.

"Your name is the biggest contradiction because you're not a sin, you're a blessing. I'm sure we would've fallen for each other without this happening but I'm glad it happened anyways."

Before Sintra could respond Jesse screamed, catching their attention as they craned their necks below them to see what had happened.

"What the hell is that?" Vante asked, horror creeping into his deep voice.

Sintra gulped as she watched a very oversized mountain lion drag Felix across the mountain.

"No, no, no!" Sintra shrieked, tears forming in her eyes as she watched Felix spit blood from his mouth while the lion dragged him across the rocky terrain.

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