Everyone should keep a knife in their pocket, for toast purposes of course

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In the part where they're in the car listening to music I want y'all to comment what song you think they're listening to. Just for my general entertainment. Please? Anyways I actually wrote this chapter in the car. Exam season is coming up so the time between new chapters might increase a bit, sorry y'all. This chapter gets us to 50,000 words officially. Okay I lied this fanfiction is my entire life and I don't see myself getting any hobbies. So the update schedule will probably stay the same. 

The rest of the car ride was mostly relaxed. The thick tension in the air had been lessened but not resolved. A pleasant tune drifted from the radio as they continued to drive. Y/N softly hummed to the song as she stared out the window, not hoping to face the gravity of her relationship with the man sitting across from her.

Zemo however would love to examine the meaning of their intimacy. That was if he wasn't so busy worrying about what The Powerbroker might want with them. He longed for a time their life would slow down and he could tell her all of his feelings. But they both knew that time would not come soon, if ever.

Once they arrived at the safe house, a bit more of Zemo's stress was relieved. He was not the strongest or the best fighter but when he could control the landscape he always felt better about his odds. There was a plentiful arsenal within the walls of this building he was quite confident with his shot if someone were to attack.

Y/N noticed the lavish high ceilings first. Sprawling columns held up the dome ceiling which was covered by intricate designs. She had been to a couple dates at the cheesecake factory. This place was like the cheesecake factory on crack. "Wow, this is beautiful," she said to herself.

Zemo heard her comment and set their bags down in the foyer. "Much like yourself," he replied, taking her hand and leading her down the hall.

Y/N giggled, unsuccessfully trying to hold back a blush at his comment "Shut up."

She pulled away from him to sit on the large couch that was placed in the middle of the living room. There were exquisite paintings lining the walls. She noticed the one placed over the fireplace was slightly crooked. This drew her eyes enough for her to examine it. "Oooh it's a Michelangelo," she commented, pointing excitedly at the painting.

He chuckled at her excitement. "Yes, I had it brought in specifically for you. Although it seems to be a bit crooked. Such a shame, I wanted it to be perfect." His eyebrows furrowed as he spoke, genuinely upset by the small mistake.

Y/N took his hand in hers and pulled him onto the couch next to her. "It is perfect, thank you," she said, with a smile.

He would have been quick to indulge her in conversation any other time but there were bigger things on his mind at the moment. "Right so I suppose you'll be wanting to know why we're here," Zemo said. She nodded in response and he explained the plan. "I will spare you the specifics, but the Flag Smashers are going to attack the GRC conference in New York. The Powerbroker needs us there as backup."

"And what do we gain from this?" she asked, wondering why he would do something for someone else without getting anything in return.

"That's where you come in," Zemo responded. She was right to question his motives. Usually he would not be quick to work for The Powerbroker. But he had been put in a difficult position when Y/N was threatened.

His call to action made her twitch slightly, instantly blurting out an instinctual response. "What is my mission, sir?" Zemo raised his eyebrows questioningly at her quick response. "Sorry, force of habit I suppose," she responded to his surprised expression.

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