Not that Bucky knows how to use google, anyways

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After a confrontation with John Walker, "the new Captain America," Sam and Bucky were at an impasse. They didn't know what to do or where to turn. The Flag Smashers, a terrorist organization, had just been revealed to be Super Soldiers. They were both lost as to how this could be. They didn't have any leads and John had made it clear the US government was not on their side.

They needed answers and not the type they could get from Google, not that Bucky knew how to use Google anyways. So they turned to a former member of Hydra and friend of Bucky's. Her name was Y/N.

"So who is this girl," said Sam. He glared at Bucky, not fully trusting this mysterious contact he had mentioned.

"She's someone I trust," he replied. Bucky was not very talkative. He liked to keep his conversations short and also not sweet.

"In that case, no absolutely not." Sam was the inquisitive type. As long as he had known Bucky, he had been somewhat of a loose cannon. If this girl had the dangerous information they needed and Bucky trusted her, he had no idea what type of person she could be.

"It's either her or Zemo." This tipped the scales. Sam thought Zemo shouldn't even be used as a last resort, plus he didn't like the idea of him getting in Bucky's head.

Even though Sam had made his mind up, he was going to push his agenda a little bit more because that's just how he did things. "For all I know this girl is just as bad as Zemo."

With superhuman speed Bucky reached over to Sam and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Watch it," he said plainly with a less than subtle tone of anger.

Sam was taken aback by Bucky's change in demeanor. "Woah dude chill, what is she your girlfriend or something?" Sam meant this as a joke but Bucky answered seriously.

"Not mine." He said. Now Sam was really interested. What did he mean by "not mine," who's girlfriend was she?

"Okay then who is she?" Sam finally asked. Bucky rolled his eyes and stopped walking for a moment. He furrowed his brow and stood in silence for a moment.

Then he broke his silence, "I'll tell you on the way there." Sam nodded, deciding to accept his fate, because he was very interested to hear more about this mystery woman.

When they arrived at the car Sam began to feel uneasy. Who was this girl? How did she know Bucky? Could she really be trusted?

They sat down in the car and sighed deeply. "It's a long story." He said.

Sam nodded so Bucky started. "I don't know everything but I know she was a soldier like me. For Hydra. The difference was most of us were given the serum as adults, but I think she was born like that. Because she was inhumanly strong ever since birth. I didn't really know her until she got older but I used to see them training her. She could take on five fully grown men when she was only seven. I'd have to say she has more confirmed kills than me and the other Winter Soldiers combined. We worked together on a couple missions, I remember she was different. After fights she would clean and bandage my wounds before I went back into kryofreeze. But at some point I guess something changed because they stopped sending her on assassination missions and they sent her to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. After Hydra was exposed she went underground, but Steve found her and he hid out with her for a while after everything happened with the Sokovia Accor-"

Sam stopped him "wait wait, when you said she wasn't YOUR girlfriend. You meant she was Cap's girlfriend."

Bucky coughed and resumed telling his story, "Anyways, I don't know all the details. But apparently Steve still thought she was a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent he could trust. For some reason she didn't kill him or turn him over to Hydra. Eventually he found out who she really was and I guess he changed her mind about some things because she left Hydra for good. And to answer your other question, I don't know if you'd call her his girlfriend but I seriously doubt they were just friends."

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