Affectionately, fuck off

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After their conversation Y/N and Zemo went back into the living room. Bucky had come back and he was standing next to Sam.

"Hey did ya'll know she killed JFK?" Sam blurted out.

Zemo laughed and replied, "Makes sense."

Bucky's eyebrows were knitted together in his signature thinking face. "I think I'd remember if you killed JFK."

That was a particularly bad mission for him and she didn't want to bring up the memories so she tried to change the subject. "You don't remember any of our missions."

He wasn't satisfied with that answer. "Yeah but I would remember if you assassinated the president," he replied.

"Apparently not," she stated with a blank emotionless face. He was never the best at picking up on context clues but he knew she didn't want to talk about it anymore.

He decided not to push it anymore because she was still mad at him from earlier. If he had learned anything from all their years together it was that she had a fiery temper. "Anyways, I was saying the Wakandans are here. And they want Zemo," he told the group.

Y/N crossed her arms and pouted like a child. "Well they can't have him. Simple as that," she stated.

"And you're going to fight them. For him?" Bucky asked. He was more than slightly annoyed at where her loyalties lied.

"I've gone to war for less," she said bluntly.

With that Y/N left the men to strategize. She unpacked some clothes so she could change. She put on a pair of black cargo pants, a green tank top, and a light jacket. She debated wearing a skirt because she always got hot when she was fighting, but she decided against it.

When she got back the men were arguing about what to do about Karli Morgenthau. Bucky said something about Steve but stopped when Y/N walked in. He remembered what happened on the plane and he didn't want to upset her again when they were on pretty good terms.

Zemo's eyes shot up from the others to meet her when she walked in. "Y/N, you look lovely as always. Glad you could join us." She couldn't help but blush at how easily he complimented her. He spoke with confidence, like he had never questioned a word coming out of his mouth.

Bucky however was doing whatever the opposite was blushing was."You know what? I think we should just hand him over to the Wakandans now, It'll save us some trouble," he snapped.

"No, he's useful." Y/N wasn't sure why she was defending Zemo but it made about as much sense as everything else happening at the moment.

Bucky scoffed and rolled his eyes, getting more frustrated by the second. "Of course you'd say that."

She in no way wanted to fight with him over this. She never wanted to fight with him over anything. It hurt her that they had been disagreeing so much, although she'd never show it."I don't want to hear it, he's staying. End of conversation," she said softly. This signaled to Bucky she was serious because she was not usually quiet.

She walked over to stand next to Zemo who was digging through cupboards. He grabbed some candy out of a jar and handed a piece to her. They spoke in whispers.

"Thank you for defending me," he said in his native language, testing to see if she understood him.

"No problem," she replied easily. She unwrapped the candy and popped it into her mouth.

He continued speaking in the foreign tongue. He was overjoyed to be able to talk like this again. "You know Sokovian?" he asked, trying to seem unaffected. But in reality hearing her speaking in Sokovian was driving him insane.

They continued to speak in the other language because Y/N knew Bucky couldn't understand it. "I know more languages than I can count. Which is why I don't understand how I couldn't read that file," she said.

"It was written in a special cipher created by Hydra," he explained.

That didn't make sense. Y/N remembered every code she had ever learned. And this was not one of them. "I know all of Hydra's codes."

Zemo knew she was smart but he had anticipated she wouldn't know this code language. From his research it was one higher ups in Hydra used to conceal their files from outsiders and even other members of Hydra. "Not this one, they kept it from you for a reason," he told her.

She greatly appreciated what he was doing for her but impatience was in her nature. "Will you please tell me what that reason is?" she pleaded.

He gave her a sympathetic smile and said, "In time, I will tell you everything you need to know. Be patient."

Without warning she threw her arm around his neck and pulled him into a hug. "I know, thank you for everything," she whispered into his ear. It shouldn't have turned him on as much as it did. He loved how affectionate she was. Warmth flooded his chest as she laid her head slightly below his shoulder. After a moment he returned the hug.

They broke apart when Y/N heard something hurtling through the air towards them. She sprung into action, getting in front of Zemo and catching it. It was a paper weight from the table Bucky was sitting at.

Bucky stood with another paperweight in his hand. Ready to throw again.

"We're leaving, don't make me throw another," he said plainly. There was hurt in his voice. He left the room followed by Sam.

For a moment Y/N and Zemo were alone. He grabbed her waist from his position behind her and jokingly whispered, "Someone's jealous."

She turned around to face him and pushed him away from her with a laugh. "Fuck off," she said with a smile. 

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