Part 34

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I watched as Daphne laughed loudly at something Rosier said, Draco looked over from Astoria and frowned at them. He got up and stormed out leaving Daphne's eyes following him out of the room. I sighed as Daphne stood up and followed him out,

"Nice outfit," said Riddle sitting on the opposite chair

"Thanks," I said taking a sip out of the glass of whiskey in my hand

"Trouble in paradise?" Riddle asked

"There is no paradise" I mumbled

"What made you wear that outfit?" He asked as I looked down at my suit, it was a sage green suit with a bra underneath.

                                 Emeralds suit

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Emeralds suit

"I like different" I shrugged finishing the last sip of whiskey in my glass

"5 gallons, Malfoy and Greengrass are snogging right now" he smirked

"5 gallons their fighting right now," I said standing up as he followed me out of the room

We walked down the halls until we heard yelling coming from an empty corridor, I looked at Riddle and smirked. We looked around the corner and saw them verbally fighting each other,

"Pay up," I said holding out my hand as he pointed back around the corner, I turned my head and saw them snogging. I turned back towards Riddle and he was smirking at me,

"Pay up" he whispered into my ear as he held out his hand, we both gave each other 5 gallons and walked back towards the party.

"Dance?" He said as he held out his hand

"Sure" I shrugged as I declined his hand and walked towards the dance floor.

He put one hand on my waist and grabbed my other hand as he did the waltz with me. He dipped me backward then pulled me back up to his chest. Riddle raised his eyebrow at me then smirked, he spun me then stopped me by grabbing onto the inside of my jacket touching my bare skin.

"Sorry" he grumbled

"What?" I asked

"Nothing," he said moving his hand off my skin and onto my suit jacket, I realized he was talking about touching my bare skin.

I smiled at him,

"Why are you smiling" he demanded

"Nothing" I shrugged as the song ended and kissed his cheek then walked out of the party. I made my way back to the common room as I heard footsteps behind me,

"What was that?" Asked Riddle

"What?" I said still walking

"You kissed me"

"On the cheek"

"Can you stop walking?" he said as I slowed down "Why do you do that?" He said running his fingers through his hair

"Do what?"

"You show affection then act like it didn't happen," he said

"You do the same thing," I said "What do you want me to do, kiss you hard so it feels like all our problems are destroyed"

"Yes, that's exactly what I want you to do," he said as I walked up to him and pulled him towards me until my lips met with his. He pulled me closer to him as he pulled my hair so my mouth would open letting him slide his tongue inside my mouth. I pulled away for air as we rested each other's foreheads on each other.

"Just like that" he breathed making me smile

"Just like that," I said before turning around and walking away

"Goodnight Romeo" I yelled

"Goodnight Juliet," he said making me smile even more

I made my way down the hall towards the Astronomy Tower, at least that's what the note said.

Meet me at the Astronomy Tower


I made my way up the steps until I heard kissing noises, fuck. I stepped gently up the stairs until I found Tracey fucking Davis kissing Mattheo. I cleared my throat as they broke apart,

"Emerald, I swear she pushed herself onto me," Riddle said as Davis smirked

"I don't care anyways, we were never anything, have fun though," I said giving the note to him "You could've said you hated me, but you had to show it," I said before slapping him then walking away, asswhole.

I laid in my bed looking at the ceiling until I heard knocking on my door,

"Emerald I didn't write that note you have to believe me" I heard Riddle say

"I don't believe killers," I said

"You don't believe yourself?" He asked

"Go the fuck away Riddle," I said through gritted teeth, I didn't hear anything but silence so I went back to staring at the ceiling until my eyes drifted downwards and I was met with darkness.

I walked out the door falling over something, I fell to the floor and looked over to see what so tripped over. Riddle, he stayed here all night outside of my door.

"Riddle" I whispered pushing him gently

"What?" He mumbled peeking his eyes open until he saw me and he shot both of his eyes open.

"Why'd you sleep out here?" I asked helping him stand up and leading him towards my bed

"Emerald you have to believe me I didn't write that letter," he said, Riddle never apologizes or sleeps on the floor outside a girls dorm.

"You have 1 strike, 2 more, and you're out," I said as he smiled at me

"Really?" He asked

"Yes," I said as he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him

"I wouldn't want to live in a world without you" he whispered into my ear

"I wouldn't want to live in a universe without you" I whispered back

The Killer Duo// Mattheo RiddleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora