Part 14

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I walked through the halls as whispers were all around me. People stared at me some scared some see that I'm a monster. I kept my head up high and kept walking until I got to the common room. Daphne, Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Theodore, and Mattheo were gathered in a circle.

"Hey Fire girl, come over here" hollered Blaise who was wasted, I walked over to them and sat by Daphne which happened to be the opposite side of Mattheo. They talked to each other while I just got out a book about potions.

"Emerald, why are you reading at a time like this" asked Pansy

"What time is it?" I asked

"7:23" answered Daphne who had a stopwatch on her wrist

"See, it's a perfect time for reading" I smiled innocently then went back to reading

"Why don't we play Would You Rather?" Asked Theodore who had Pansy in his lap.

"I'm in," said Blaise, and a following of "yeah let's play" came after that except for Mattheo and me.

"You two playing," asked Draco as he looked between both of us. I nodded while once Mattheo saw me nod my head he nodded his head.

"Daphne, would you rather be a thestral or a werewolf," asked Draco

"Thestral," she said

"Blaise, would you rather have friends that tell you the truth or friends that don't tell you the truth"

"Easy, friends that tell you the truth," he said "Theodore, me, or Pansy"

"Always you," he said before giving duck lips and chuckling "Let's make this spicy, Emerald, would you rather kiss Zabini or Riddle"

Shit, this guy is trying to start something. Blaise is good-looking but not as good-looking as Riddle. I would kiss Riddle but not date him, they can't know that.

"Zabini," I said a little bit too loudly and saw Mattheo smirking at me

You know that's a lie

"Shit," I said out loud and gave a death glare at Mattheo, he looked into my mind.

"What?" Asked Daphne

"Nothing, I think I'm going to go to the kitchens didn't uh eat anything," I said before getting up and walking out the portrait door. I walked fast down the hallway and went to the astronomy tower. I stood on the balcony and looked at the stars.

"Why did you lie?" Came Mattheos voice

"It's just a game," I said

"Then why did you lie"

"It was between you and Blaise, Blaise is like my brother so I basically had to choose you" I finally turned around and he was so close to me.

"We can play dare or dare" I felt his hot breath fan out across my neck "I dare you to kiss me" he whispered as he leaned in

"Pass," I said before pushing him off

"You can't pass"

"Guess I just changed the rules," I said walking away "Goodnight Romeo"

"Yea yea" I heard him grumble

I made my way to my dormitory before falling asleep.

"EMERALD" came an angry voice from downstairs, my father, I ran downstairs bracing myself for what was about to happen.

"You've ruined my life little girl now it's time for you to pay," he said pointing his wand at me " CRUCIO" the pain soared through my body as I screamed, cried for help but I knew nobody would come. The pain stopped and I hit the ground shaking. I had tears in my eyes as I looked at my mother,

"Mum, plea- please help me" I begged for her to help as a tear slid down her cheek.

"Don't you talk to her, you filthy disgrace" my father shouted before pointing his wand at me, "ADVADA KE-"

I woke up in sweat and tears, I was breathing heavily. I put on my slippers and went down to the common room. I laid on the green velvet sofa and watched as the blazing fire sparked up and down.

"What are you doing down here?" Someone asked behind me, I turned my head to see Mattheo in his plaid pajamas staring down at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Nightmares," he said before moving my legs so he could sit down, I sat up beside him.

"Same, what are yours about?" I asked as we both watched the fire flicker

"My mum, she would use the unforgivable curses on me, I would pray that there would be freedom from her. She would say I reminded her of my father, that's why she would punish me. One day though, my father came and killed her then took me as a reward" he said then looked up at me, "you?"

"My father would come home from the ministry of magic and uses the cruciatus curse on me. He would tell me I'm a disgrace or say I should've never been born. My mother thought, would just watch me, no help just tears because she was afraid of my father, just like we all were" I said before looking back at him, our eyes met for a split second and we stared at each other.

"I guess we aren't so different," he said

"Everyone's different," I said before standing up and walking to the girls' dormitories.

"Goodnight Romeo," I said

"Goodnight, Juliet," he said back, I smiled for the first time and looked back. He was walking towards the boys' dormitories and looked back. We both smiled at each other. I think Riddles growing on me.

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