Part 32

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       "I don't understand the point of calling us the Killer Duo if we don't kill anyone" grumbled Mattheo as he sat on my bed reading a book

"Well, what else is there? The Emotionless Freaks?" I said pacing around my dorm

"Blackwood, come, sit," he said patting the seat beside him as I cautiously sat down beside him

"What?" I asked

"This is my favorite part of the book and your feet are ruining it" he smirked returning to his book, I grabbed the closet pillow and hit him laughing

"Why are you even in my room anyway?" I asked standing up

"Maybe because you couldn't bear without my presence," he said sarcastically

"Yeah right" I scoffed



"What are we?" He asked which made me cringe

"Were enemies" I casually responded

"This isn't what enemies do," he said pointing between us

"Well we sure aren't lovers," I said chuckling "More like a game," I said as he nodded

"Sometimes we like each other sometimes we hate each other," he said

"Exactly," I said nodding then there was a long silence

"I heard there's a get together in Malfoys room," I said as Mattheo scoffed

"Malfoy? He's the biggest wimp I know" he rolled his eyes as he looked away

"He's my friend," I said

"Your friend is a pussy"

"Name one thing that makes him a pussy"

"When he's about to get into a fight he says 'hold me back, hold me back it's a pussy move," said Mattheo raising an eyebrow at me

"That was one time," I said going to my closet

"You're going to this thing" he scoffed

"Yes," I answered pulling out a red dress, he looked at it in disgust

"What now?" I said crossing my arms

"It's red, it's Gryffindor colors," he said standing up and walking to my closet

"Here," he said pulling out a green mini dress, " It'll go well with your hair," he said throwing the dress at me

"Why didn't you pick black?" I asked

"You wear it too much," he said picking back up his book

"You pay attention to what I wear?" I smirked at him

"Don't get flattered" he said "Now go in the bathroom and change" he said as I walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I slipped in the dress and I must say, he does have good taste.

 I slipped in the dress and I must say, he does have good taste

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Emeralds Dress

I walked out, "Riddle, don't you think it's a little, short?" I asked him as I tried to pull down the dress

"Very," he said throwing a jacket at me "You better go before you become late," he said

"You're not coming?" I asked him

"I might," he said

I stood in the middle of Draco's room with Daphne by my side,

"Look at her, trying to sit on his lap" Daphne whispered to me as she looked at Astoria trying to sit on Draco's lap

"Don't show emotion, Daphne" I said looking away and around

"If he wants to play that game I'll find someone else," she said walking away to find a guy, I sighed as I made my way over to a chair

"Lonely, are we?" Asked a voice I recognized as Marcus Flint, the creepy asswhole

"Not that lonely," I said trying to stand up but he put his hand on my knee

"Stay, for me" he drawled out

"Your drunk Flint" I snarled slapping his hand

"Don't be like that, darling" he said grabbing my hand

"Don't touch me-" I got interrupted by Flint getting punched in the jaw and falling to the ground

"What the fuck?" Flint said before getting punched again by, Mattheo. The two boys started fighting,

"Boys" I scoffed rolling my eyes as I flicked my finger and Flint flew into the opposite wall of the room, everyone was already staring at the boys, and now me

"Go back to the party," I said picking Mattheo up as I dragged him out of the party and back to my dorm. I sat him down on my bed and grabbed a washrag out of the loo.

"What were you thinking?" I said dipping the washrag into a bowl of water and wiping the blood off of Mattheos face

"He was touching you," he said shrugging with a disgusted look on his face

"I could've handled it," I said as Mattheo looked me into the eyes

"I can't have you getting hurt," he said as we stared at each other then looked away from each other

"I'm done," I said finishing up and making my way toward the bathroom.

"Uh, Thanks," he said walking towards the door

"Anytime," I said as I shrugged

"Goodnight," he said

"Goodnight Romeo" I raised my voice as he closed the door and exited the room. Mattheo Riddle just showed affection, I thought to myself as I went to go to sleep.

The Killer Duo// Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now