"Hey, handsome," Dean said, nuzzling Castiel's wing with his nose. "You make a great pillow."

Cas squirmed a little, smiling,.  But then he felt Dean's lips on his wing and he immediately moved away, caught off guard.

"Cas?" Dean said, surprised at the angel's response to his touch. "Did I hurt you?" He pushed himself up, supporting himself on his forearm.

Castiel shook his head. "No," he said. He rolled over, moving his wings with him, turning to face the hunter. "I'm sorry, Dean" he said. "It startled me. No one's ever done that before." He bit his bottom lip again, feeling very embarrassed.

"Well, I should hope not," Dean said, smiling slightly. He reached over to stroke the angel's cheek. "But if you want me to leave you alone you gotta stop doing that," he gestured to Castiel biting his lip. "Cuz it's sexy as hell."

Cas blushed and smiled. "I guess I'm just kind of . . .embarrassed," he admitted, looking down, and then back up, into the hunter's eyes. "I mean, my wings, they're so sensitive, Dean, and every time you touch them, I just . . . I crumble," he said. "I've never felt like that before. Not with anyone.  So vulnerable, so weak.  And you don't have anything like that. Nothing different about you.  Nothing that makes you so . . . sensitive."

"Cas," Dean said, smiling. He rested his hand on the angels cheek. "I love your wings, okay? They're incredible. They're strong, and beautiful, and sexy, but I love you more. And I don't want you to ever feel uncomfortable with me. So if I'm touching your wings and you don't want me to, tell me and I'll stop. But trust me, you don't need me to have something "different" to make me crumble when you touch me, okay? You, Castiel, you make me crumble."

Cas blushed fiercely at Dean's words and looked down. He bit his lip again out of habit and when he looked up he saw Dean's eyes trained on his lips. He blushed again, and then scooted towards the hunter, filling the space between them, their lips meeting. He brought his wings forward and around Dean, using his feathers to stroke Dean's back and face. He felt Dean squirm at his touch. The hunter moaned slightly and pulled away from the kiss.

"See what I mean," Dean said, smiling.  "Those same wings that are so sensitive, they do things to me, too, Cas."  Then he kissed the angel again, more fiercely this time as he continued to stroke his back and cheeks with his feathers.

Dean's heart was racing now and his breathing intensified.  He couldn't take it anymore.  He pushed himself up and towards Cas, hoping the angel would lay on his back, and he did, letting Dean climb on top of him. Dean reached down and pulled his shirt up and off, letting it fall to the floor, Castiel's wings still enveloping him. They both eyed each other, tracing their hands along each other's torsos. Dean was shivering now at the feeling of Castiel's wings stroking his bare skin. He brought himself down, closer to the angel, supporting himself on his hands. "I love you," he said, and kissed the angel's lips, and then his cheek, and then his nose, and forehead, before looking into his sapphire eyes.

"Dean?" Cas said, staring back at the hunter, his hands resting on his chest. "Are we going to have sex?"

Dean smiled. "Well, that's kind of where I was going with this, but if you don't want to . . ."

"No," Cas said.  He was breathing heavily now, too.  "I do."  He moved his hands so that they were resting on Dean's neck.

"Oh, good," Dean said, starting to kiss the angel's neck. "Otherwise this would be awkward."

Cas could feel his heart beating faster as Dean kissed him, and he inhaled, feeling the hunter's bare chest brush against his. "It's just," he breathed out and kept trying to talk but Dean's touch was making it increasingly difficult.  He closed his eyes.  "Dean," he said again.  But he was too distracted. He could feel the hunters hand running along his ribs, around his back, and through his hair.  Finally, Dean sat up and started working to undo Castiel's belt. "Dean," Cas said, catching his breath.

"What is it?" Dean asked, smiling, satisfied at the reaction he was getting out of the beautiful angel. He finished with the belt and began unbuttoning the angel's pants. His heart was beating a thousand times a second and all he wanted to do was get the handsome angel's clothes off, and then his.

"I'm sorry," Cas said. "It's just, before we continue, I think you should know something."

Dean started to grow nervous. He had just begun to pull the angel's pants down but stopped and looked at him instead. "Okay," he said.

"It's not bad, Dean" Cas promised and he could tell Dean relaxed a little. "It's just, when angels . . ."

"Have sex?" Dean coaxed when Cas didn't finish.

"No. Well, yes," Cas said. "When we're done having sex, we don't . . . finish the same way you do."

Dean was intrigued. "What do you mean?" he said. "What happens?"

"Our eyes glow," Cas said. "And we release grace."

"Oh," Dean said, his eyes widening a little. "You mean, instead of . . ."

Cas nodded.

Dean smiled now. "Well, that's kind of hot," he said. "Let's see if we can make that happen."

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