lil johnny boi is ricc?

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John: I have a meeting w/ my fam and my lil sis  and lil bro wants to see u :)

Remi: omg totally! i'll go

Sera: like- william or ur mom?

John: my mom, duh, dad's away in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Cecile: oh, i'll go


Arlo: What tier are they?

John: thats for me to know and u to find out :D

Elaine: uh,,, sure :)

Isen: 😬 

Blyke: 👁 

Isen: sure??????

Blyke: if broski goes, i go

Arlo: Anyways,, what's your brother's name?

John: Azrael

Arlo: Sister's name?

John: Calliope

Isen: fricc no

Elaine: wut 😕 

Sera: fucc no

Remi: ooh! an uber just arrived!

John: thats the dude picking us up

John: hes taking us to the airport 

John: u better pacc dem bags

Sera: i gotta pee

Elaine: wtf 😳 

Isen: gotta take a shit

Blyke: i gotta shit too

Remi: im gonna buy some food! 

Arlo: gaydar...

John: eye-

John: remi, sera, elaine, arlo, cecile,,, we're going


Arlo: whos getting them?

Remi: I will!

John: here are some ground rules:

             no eating in front of the pets

            gregory the horse is very sensitive, and will kick u in the shins if u talk                        bad about him

            Do not question the ranks of people here, as i am the weakest and                          mother dearest will kill me if u do

           only fight is it is a rank fight

           Thermos the cat ( calliope named him when she was 5 ) will scratch u unless u are me.


Arlo: why are we all the way in England?

Elaine: hUh

Sera: wait-

Sera: this is like 1000 times bigger than my mother's apartment

Arlo: 580 times larger than my mother's house

Isen: whatthefricc

Blyke: nanithefuck

Remi: wow! so big!

John: aight, imma go to my room. the head maid Vasilisia can take u to the guest rooms

Cecile: this is beautiful

Elaine: uhhh 😬 

Elaine: is the scary lady with the forced smile vasilisia?

Remi: i think so..

Isen: im scared

Isen: wait... did u say vasilisia?

John: yeaaaaa

Isen: shes my aunt's niece

Blyke: eye-

Arlo: tea 🍵

Sera: imagine not being rich

Arlo: right?!

Cecile: right!?!

Blyke: cecile, ur rich?!?

Elaine: i never knew!

Remi: im gonna talk to vasilisia! she seems quite nice!

Cecile: ofc im rich

Isen: ,,,,,

Blyke: she looks so scary tho

Isen: ur insoulting my famidky


kithes bithes ✨✨💞💞

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