Chapter 1: Ablaze

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How had the blissful years flown by? The highschool years had come and gone. College years had crept around and had begun to grow. Still, they all managed to stay connected. Alya, Nino, Adrien, and Marinette. They were all best friends.

Alya and Nino have been dating since high school, though now they were engaged. Soon to be married after graduating from college. Marinette was apparently dating someone, she hadn't had the time to introduce him to Alya, Nino, or Adrien. Her parents told them about him though. He seemed like a great guy.

Though how could Marinette tell anyone that she was dating a superhero? She couldn't do that. That would make things complicated. Also, people wouldn't understand. They would ask things like:

How can you date someone who you don't even know who is under the mask?

He could be dating you as Chat noir but dating someone else as a civilian.

He can cheat on you whenever he wants.

Which is true, but would he? Of course not. He has no idea that she was Ladybug, she knows that Chat noir isn't like that. She trusts him more than anyone. She trusts him like her own family, maybe even more since she has risked her own life with him on a daily basis.

She wasn't a little kid anymore, they have been dating for almost a year now. They connected after a big break up with her and Luka and when he was comforting her they seemed to have had a spark and one thing led to another. Marinette and Luka are still friends, they just couldn't see eye to eye. He always implied she had feelings for Adrien which, when she was younger she couldn't deny it.

She did. She couldn't blame Luka. She was too young and dumb. Adrien and Kagami were dating and after they started dating she started dating Luka in hopes it would distract her, but that wasn't a reason to be in a relationship.

"Are you ok?" Chat asked, seeing Marinette spacing out.

"I'm fine." Marinette smiled, lifting her head off of his chest.

"Alright, you need to go to sleep." Chat laughed softly.

"N-no. Not yet." Marinette groaned.

"Yes." Chat said, turning Marinette on her side.

"I don't want you to go yet." Marinette pouted.

"Fine, I won't go until you fall asleep." He said, holding her sides as he laid his head down on her pillow.

After a while of their breathing playing a soft duet with one another, they both unknowingly fell asleep with one another.

A few hours later, Chat noir awoke to a weird smell. He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes and looked around. He started coughing, almost like he couldn't catch his breath. He looked around and saw a bunch of smoke.

"Smoke?... Huh? F-Fire! Marinette! Wake up?!" Chat turned to look at Marinette and shook her, but she wouldn't wake up.

He didn't know if it was the miraculous that somehow magically kept his lung more powerful or what but he was lucky that he woke up. He scooped her up in his arms and kicked her skylight open with his foot and jumped up onto her balcony, letting the black smoke escape into the sky with him. He saw a crowd of people below him with firetrucks and ambulances. He jumped down to them and gave them Marinette, who instantly put an oxygen mask over her mouth.

After they took her, though he wanted to stay by her side, he knew needed to rush back inside to get Sabine and Tom.

People were holding their breath as they were patiently waiting as they saw the flames rising higher but still there was no trace of the hero or the girl's parents in the burning building. A dark shadow emerged from the building, revealing Chat noir with Tom and Sabine, just in time, because a few seconds later, the building came crashing down.

Chat noir let the firemen take Tom and Sabine and he rushed to Marinette's side. Chat noir saw Marinette was getting oxygen but saw that she still hadn't woken up, he slid his hand under her head and lifted her head up to hold her close to him, angry that Ladybug didn't show up to help.

Tom and Sabine got their own oxygen masks and told the medics that they allowed Chat noir to see Marinette anytime he wanted... since he did save her after all. They figured that would be the best excuse, rather than to explain that he was dating their daughter, though him almost crying for a civilian would be a little hard to explain.

Chat noir picked her up and stepped inside the ambulance, shutting the doors behind him to provide privacy until she woke up, making sure the oxygen mask was secured. After a few minutes of Marinette laying in Chat noir's lap, breathing in the oxygen mask, Marinette started to open her eyes. Marinette looked up and saw Chat noir.

"W-Why are you crying?" She asked and reached up to touch his face.

Chat noir hugged Marinette tightly and cried more.

"I'm so glad you're alright, princess. I thought I lost you!" He cried.

"Lost me? What happened?" Marinette asked, taking her mask off.

"There...There was a fire. You weren't breathing." He said, holding her tightly.

"A fire...? My parents!" She said,

"I got them out safely." He said. "Just think, if I left when I said I was going to... you might have..." He said, tears still streaming down his face.

"Hey... I'm fine." She said, wiping his tears away.

She leaned up and kissed him, not bothering if she tasted his salty tears when they kissed or not.

They heard a knock on the back of the ambulance that caused them to look up and Chat helped Marinette sit up and he wiped his tears. He tried to steady his breathing and collect himself since they were technically not supposed to know one another.

"Yes?" Chat called out.

The door swung open and a man from the hospital had Sabine and Tom behind him.

"We are taking them to the hospital for the night. They don't have any major injuries but they do need a place to stay for the night and to get cleaned up." The man said.

"O-Oh... yeah." He said, turning to look at Marinette.

"Stay safe you three. I'll... see you around." He waved with a frown, worry overwhelming him.

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