Blood Hungry: Part Three

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Oley's brother, Jessie, works as a butcher at the local shop. He's working there now, and if what Mrs. Mays says is true, then he will be hiding Oley with him so he can keep an eye on him. You, Elle, Derek, Sheriff Halls, and other cops go to his work to confront him. Jessie is in the middle of chopping up some meat when you interrupt him.

"Jess?" Halls asks.

"What's going on, Don?"

"Uh, do me a favor, Jess. Uh, put that cleaver down, will you?"

He does so.

"FBI. We're looking for your brother Oley," you say and flash your badge.

"What for?"

"Where is he, Jess?"

"You know damn well. Where he's been for the past 8 years," he glares angrily.

"We talked to the hospital. We know he's been released."

A loud noise comes from the freezer, and you know Oley is back there. You grab your gun in case he has a weapon of his own, but Jess doesn't like that.

"What was that?" Derek asks.

"Stay out of there," Jess snaps.

"Do you have him back there?" you ask.

Derek makes a move to go back there when Jess reaches for the cleaver. You point your gun at his hands while Sheriff Hall points his at his face.

"Don't do it," you glare.

"Jess. Don't even think about it."

"Listen to him. Oley Maynor?" Derek calls out as he enters the freezer.

There is a soft skuttle, and he calls out your name. You know Elle can handle this, so you join Derek inside the freezer only to see Oley with a crowbar in his hand. You lift your gun and point it at him. He moves, you shoot, you score. Only, the thing is, his energy doesn't match the one you saw at the house. While the other one was violent and angry, his is soft and sad with a hint of blue. He didn't do it.

"Put that down," you order.

"Jess? Jessie?" Oley panics and calls for his brother.

"Don't you touch him. Please, Don," Jess begs.

"I said put it down. Now!"

"Oley, think. I got a bullet that travels fifteen hundred feet a second. How fast do you think you can get to us with that thing? Let's go. Put it down," Derek tries to connect with him.

Oley stares at you and Derek with such begging and longing in his eyes, and he realizes he's right about this. He sighs and tosses the crowbar to the ground. There is nothing left to do but come out into the open and talk about this like adults. He does so, and Jessie makes sure he won't leave his side.

"Oley, these people will do whatever it takes to solve this thing. They need a confession. Then they'll pin it on you," Jess scoffs.

"No, we need to prevent another killing," you correct.

"And we know that Oley was released from an institution in Richmond three weeks ago."

"You should've just told everyone I was home," Oley sighs.

"Just shut up, Oley," Jess snaps at him before turning to everyone else. "Let me tell you something. People have poked fun at my brother his whole life. Our dad, kids, and even teachers at school. Well, they aren't gonna do it anymore."

"You don't believe I'm better?"

"Yes, I do."

"That's why I didn't want to come back home anyway."

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