♡ Chapter 5 ♡

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You pull up to your house with Calum laughing his ass off at some joke you hadn't even caught. You stop the car and turn off the ignition. His laughter dies down enough for him to say, "Are you going to help me out or not?" You internally hit yourself. "Uh, yeah! For sure." You quickly get out of the car, and hit your head while doing so. "God dammit". You whisper. Calum wheezes. You shoot him a death glare. "Shut up. You'll be the one sleeping outside".  He smirks. "Alright, alright I get it."  You awkwardly reach your arms out to grab his shoulders. He stretches him arms out to wrap them tightly around your waist. Now, your faces are about 6 inches apart, so close you're sharing air. Calum freezes and stares. You can't help but stare back, transfixed in his eyes. The moment ends too soon for your liking.  He pulls himself away and adverts his eyes. You flush scarlet and lug him out of the car, grunting with the effort. Calum snickers. "Listen buddy, i'm not the one who weighs 200 pounds." You grunt. You're able to half carry/crutch him to your front door.  With him leaning against the doorway, his big arm casually resting against the wall behind you, your breath hitches. You shove those intrusive thoughts away as you stumble to key in your code. BEEP. "Ugh, stupid thing" BEEP. "What the hell?" BEEP.  "Oh my God!" you shout angrily. You want to punch the stupid thing so hard it breaks. Calum gently taps you on the shoulder, "Can I try?" You roll your eyes and huff, "Yeah, sure, whatever. The code is 945692." He gently taps each button slower than you had, making sure to get the code correct. DING. He smiles softly at you. "See? Just take a minute." You melt under his soft gaze. He pushes open the door and you walk into your living room. You shuck off your shoes and tell Calum to do the same. He complies and you pad into the kitchen. Grabbing a water glass, you go and fill it up and pick up your Advil. "Take some." You push it towards him, over the counter.  Taking the pills, he pours then into his water and down it in a second. You flick your eyebrows. "Huh. Okay well, i'm hungry so, do you want anything?" His stomach rumbles loud enough to answer for him. You laugh aloud  and he flushes. "Uh, yeah. What do you have?" After a long debate, you both end up eating sandwiches. Calum swallows his bite and asks you, "Are you and Dominic still dating?"  You choke on your sandwich and sputter down your water. "What? No! Him and Ashley are dating." After a pause. "Why?" You and Dom had started dating a few months after you had broken up with your old ex. He had been such a good friend that you two had ended up dating! Then you realized you had nothing but friendly love toward each other and ended it. But you guys still talk everyday and sometimes meet up when he's in the States. Calum seems unaffected however. "I don't know. I just thought he was bad for you." You laugh. "That was funny Cal." You sigh. He seems confused. "It wasn't a joke. He was a bad influence." "What is wrong with you?" You splutter. "It is no business of yours whether or not a relationship I am in I good for me or not!" You can't believe he would have the audacity to tell you about your own relationship. That's already over! "I will have you know, Dom is one of my closest friends and I think, that you, know nothing about him or me! So hop off your high horse and-" He stands up. "No. I saw what he did to you. He's a bad person." Standing up in his face you say quietly, "Stay out of my goddamn business and don't tell me what the hell is good for me or not." Turning your back on him you say, "The couch is open and the blankets are in the cupboard." You stalk back to your room and slam the door shut with tears already slipping down your face. 

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