♡ Chapter 4 ♡

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Sighing, you walk back into the living room where Micheal is looking angrily at Calum. However, upon hearing you girls walk in, the demeanor changes back to a bright smile. Mustering up as much willpower as you can you say, "Well, Calum and I should going. It's getting late." Calum nods his approval. Mike helps Calum into you one arm. So now, he's leaning against you with an arm draped over your shoulder. Mind you, he is about 6'1. You stand at about an average 5'4. SO his bulky frame is partially draped over your smaller body. He snakes his arm snugly around your waist. "It's just to make it easier for me to carry him." You tell yourself, willing your cheeks not burn. He's still a bit hungover so his steps are a bit slower than normal. Finally, you two both get to the car. "Jesus." You say aloud. "How are you going to get in the car?" He smirks down at you. Leaning his head down a little he whispers to you, "Maybe we'll just have to sleep in the car together." You flush. "You wish. Get in the back." He laughs, obliging. As you slink into the front seat, you feel a hand come up touch your shoulder. Turning around you see Calum laying down across the back of your car. His dark hair shining in the light of your overhead lights. "Can you turn the radio on?" he asks quietly. You nod. "Sure!" You are more then happy to make this car ride go as smoothly as possible. All the way back you two sing and laugh and talk about all the music you're into, not into and new artists you've discovered. As you glance in the rear-view mirror you see his dark eyes shining with laughter and it makes you smile like a fool.

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