Dean's face went dark. "You should watch how your mouth."

"No, you're a selfish jerk . You're not thinking about Khloe you're an ass." Charlie growled,

"Don't make me any angrier, Charlie." Dean said, stepping towards Charlie. "You're asking for me to punch you."

Charlie scoffed. "Because that's how you deal with everything. You can't talk about things like this, that's why. You haven't got the balls."

I sighed, Dean took a step closer to Charlie. "I haven't got the balls? You're the one that's bowing down to everything that fucking bitch says. She's got you wrapped around her finger and you don't even know it!" Dean seethed, he was towering down in Charlie.

Charlie took a step towards him and pushed him back. The rest of us froze. Dean was so much bigger than Charlie and so much more lethal. Charlie didn't stand a chance.

I saw Elliott run a hand through his hair. Sure, Elliott was the oldest. He could, if he really wanted to probably take out any of us in a fight, but the thing is he'd never want to, so he probably wouldn't win. Dean gets so angry that he probably could do some damage to even Elliott. It's like he gets so infatuated by his anger, he doesn't realise the harm he's doing.

"Don't call our sister a bitch." Charlie said, getting angrier by the second.

Deans eyes grew even darker. "I'll call her whatever I want because she's my fucking sister." Dean argued as if he was trying to remind Charlie that he had just as much to say about Khloe as he did and his opinions on her had the same value as his.

"Well you don't act like her fucking brother." Charlie growled, coming towards Dean and pushing him back violently.

Once Dean realised what had happened, it was like a light switched on in his brain that he had to fight. Aggressively he retaliated by pushing Charlie back, causing his back to smash against the wall.

I looked to Chase who seemed to be shaking his head like this was a waste of time. He met my worried eyes and only slightly shrugged before rolling his eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him, this wasn't a waste of time. It was showing how fucked up our family had actually gotten.

I looked away and at Tommy and Elliott. Tommy had his eye brows raised slightly like Charlie and Dean were a show that had just caught his attention. Elliott, however, looked exasperated.

"Guys, come on." Elliott said, trying to get them to calm done. "That's enough. This won't do you any good."

Charlie pushed himself off the wall and stepped towards Dean again. "It's doing me some good." He said and suddenly his fist collided into Deans jaw, causing him to be taken back by surprised. I could tell instantly that Dean didn't think Charlie had it in him.

Dean chuckled almost maliciously. "Look at you getting mad at me for saying what needs to be heard. You're acting like Khloe is a victim here and I'm persecuting her. Yet, you're not completely innocent yourself. Didn't you punch Khloe the way you just punched me?"

I glared at him. Did we really need to bring this up right now? It's the past. He shouldn't of done it, just like he shouldn't have punched Dean, but it's happened.

Charlie's eyes swirled with anger and hurt and regret. "You can't compare that to the way you're acting towards Khloe. I was a very because I didn't understand what was going on. You're just angry because you don't want to admit what's going on." Charlie stepped towards Dean and pushed him back, but Dean lost it this time, punching Charlie back, causing him to stumble backwards.

Dean rolled his eyes at the sight of Charlie like he wasn't a worthy opponent "We don't know what's going on with her. We never have and we never will. She never tells us anything and when she does it's only what she wants us to hear. We can't trust anything she says." Dean argued.

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