"I'm quite level-headed actually, I've been thinking about this for a while. What you have to offer me is not what I need." Not that you have much to offer at all.

He barked out a sharp laugh, making Irene cringe. "Who else is going to put up with your shit? No," he shook his head, "You're not doing to this to me."

"I am, Hank. You can accept it now or later for all I care but I want you out of my house." She blinked slowly; precisely, letting it be known through her facial expressions that she had no room to budge on her decision. Her mind was made up and her heart had been emptied of the last nine years, ready to be refilled by a certain blonde.

"If you think that I'm just going to let you do this us," he sneered, "You've got something coming. I mean that. You're fucking delusional, thinking you can just throw all of this away."

Suddenly feeling quite relentless and deciding she had nothing to hold back, Irene shot back, "Throw what away? Your half assed compliments and lack of interest in anything that doesn't involve you?"

Raising an eyebrow, Hank chuckled incredulously. "Irene, I don't know what or who has gotten into you, but you'll regret this. You really will. You think anyone else will want to be with you? With all your mommy issues and the parade of girls that hang around here like leeches?"

"Do not bring my girls into this," Irene seethed. "And you should be worrying about yourself, I feel bad for any girl you try to date after me. Maybe you should come with a warning label, hm?"

In one swift move that startled her and Leo who had crept in to eat his breakfast, Hank swiped his plate to the floor where it smashed into a million shards. Whirling around to make sure Leo hadn't gotten hit in the aftermath, she was happy to see him merely scamper out towards the living room. Turning back around, she was met with Hank's chest heaving with every haggard breath he took in.

Deciding it was probably worth it to stay silent for the time being, Irene let Hank process his emotions as best he could. What she didn't expect was his voice coming out flat and cold.

"This will be the biggest regret of your life, Irene. You've just made the worst mistake possible." He shook his head forlornly. "I feel sorry for you, tossing me out like yesterday's trash." He clicked his tongue once, trying to seem calm like he wasn't flushed red and shuddering.

Irene felt a stab of pain in her rib cage right about where her heart would be. Opening her mouth and then closing it, she couldn't decide where to go from this. Slowly, with as much energy as she could muster, she ignored his tactics to try and hurt her. Instead, she said, "I called your mom earlier, and she said you can stay with her or your brother. She told me she's sorry it ended up like this, and that you're welcome there as long as you need to get back on your feet."

"My mother doesn't even like you," Hank was trying his hardest to dissuade her, showing that her attempts to end this relationship didn't bother him in the slightest. "She told me I deserve someone better than you."

"Hank," she sighed, "I don't believe that. I know this has come as a shock, but trying to hurt me does nothing to change my mind. Please, don't make this harder for yourself."

Contemplating a moment, he then gazed directly into her eyes. "Have you been fucking someone else? I bet that's it. It's funny you think leaving me for him will do you any good. Does he know how batshit insane you are? I bet you had Jisoo cover for you all those nights you two claimed to be together."

Pausing a moment while the shock and anger crept through her body, Irene took a second to even her breathing and contemplate all the ways she could get away with murdering Hank and hiding his body.

What She Deserves // LisreneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora