"Its not my fault boys dont like me" and that im to affrade to let anyone touch me since Evan, i added metally.

He stared at me incrudulusly "You dont thik guys like you? Almost all the guys in school like you but i guess youve been too busy ignoring the male population to notice."

I was shocked, did guys really like me? I mean ive noticed them staring a few times, but none of them had made a move to get me or asked me out. Ive been pretty much an anti-guy magnet and only hung out with girls. Well except for when Emma gets a new boyfriend, which happens alot acually.  

"By the shocked expresson on your face i must be right, you really do ignor the male population of your school. Either that or because Matt beats up every guy who likes you or even looks at you the wrong way" Daylan mused, but it was true i do have a very overprotective brother. "Hes probeley going to beat up that new guy too, Evan i think, hes been eye raping you all day." 

With the metion of Evan and rape, i completley blanked and started worrying again. I cant belive i forgot about im! I mean it was fun to forget and pretend everything is alright, but i cant do that anymore, i have to make sure he never gets to me because if he does again, i dont think ill be able to live through it.

But how can i protect myself agenst him?? He was so strong and scary and seems to know how to kidnap me. I could tell someone about what happened, what was happening again, but i cant. I never told anyone about what happened 2 years ago because i was afrade of what they would think of me, they would probeley think i was gross, dirty, used and stupid for even getting myself into that type of situation. 

Just then i looked over at Dylan, he smiled at me then looked back to the road. I couldnt wipe that smile off his face and replace it with one of discust. Anyway, wouldnt it be a bit weird to randomly go up to him one day and be like "Heyy guess what?? I was raped two years ago by this gangster named Evan. Now hes at our school and is trying to rape me again. Oh and i didnt tell you before because i didnt want people to think i was stupid" Oh ya that as going to go over real well with my overprotective brother and equally overprotective best friend.  

"Are you ok?" Dylan asked from beside me snaping me out of my thoughts.

"O-of course i am. Why wouldnt i be?" i wondere. Maybe he knows about Evan, but how would he know? and wouldnt he have said something about it? Maybe he just doesnt care about me enough to say anything.

Dylans voice broke me out of my spiraling thoughts once again "Its just that weve been sitting in your driveway for about 10mins and you havnt made any move to get out, and you look like your about to pee yourself your that scared."

Oh good, he doesnt know about Evan, but from now on ill have to keep my facial expressions i check. I turned to Dylan and tryed my best smile "Its nothing im just worried about myy.... English test tomorrow." It was a pittyfull lie, but seemed good enough for him.

"Ok, ill see you later" he said warily before getting out of the car.

Once I was in my house i ran up to my room and broke down crying. I was just holding in my feelings all day andnow they were coming out in a tydal wave. How could this be happening? Why was it happening to me? I mean havnt i had enough to deal with? With my father leaving us when i was four and my mom dieing when i was 14 and now my rapest coming back to et me. One person can only handle so much stress before she brakes, and i have a feeling im going to break really soon.

All of a sudden i felt a pair of strong arms encircle me. I flinched and turned around until i saw that it was Dylan holding me. I looked into his eyes through the tears and saw tht seeing me like this was causing him pain too, and with that i turned to his chest and cryed myself to sleep while listening to him compfert me.


Heyy guys!

Thanks for reading and commenting \ voting!

Today i want to know how you like Dylan. Do you think Holly should tell him about Evan or just keep quiet?

Well anyway hope you like it!!  :D

<3 Alexis4815

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